Snow is the ultimate deceiver.

Last weekend in our area we experienced the "blizzard" of 2016. It dumped several inches of the white stuff all over the place. Sadly, that included the roads which kept us stuck in the house for a few days and canceled church services all across the area. The kids got a very long weekend too. But now that everything has gotten back to normal and the grocery stores have gotten the milk and bread restocked I have gotten a chance to reflect on snow. First of all I will admit I am not a huge snow fan. My favorite snow activity is making snow cream. Other than that I can take or leave it. Now that some ice cream companies have started carrying snow cream flavored ice cream I don't even need snow for that. (I recommend Mayfield brand.) I don't mind snow except when it forces us to cancel church. That is what spurred my thoughts about snow today. I was looking over my notes for my sermon Sunday that was supposed to be my sermon last w...