
Showing posts from January, 2016

Snow is the ultimate deceiver.

     Last weekend in our area we experienced the "blizzard" of 2016. It dumped several inches of the white stuff all over the place. Sadly, that included the roads which kept us stuck in the house for a few days and canceled church services all across the area. The kids got a very long weekend too. But now that everything has gotten back to normal and the grocery stores have gotten the milk and bread restocked I have gotten a chance to reflect on snow.      First of all I will admit I am not a huge snow fan. My favorite snow activity is making snow cream. Other than that I can take or leave it. Now that some ice cream companies have started carrying snow cream flavored ice cream I don't even need snow for that. (I recommend Mayfield brand.) I don't mind snow except when it forces us to cancel church. That is what spurred my thoughts about snow today. I was looking over my notes for my sermon Sunday that was supposed to be my sermon last week and it hit me, snow is

Let's Make A Deal!

     The last Wednesday night in December we finished up our January Bible Study on the book of Deuteronomy at my church. Yes, I know January Bible Studies are supposed to only last for the month of January but the congregation wanted to slow down and study the book in more detail. So we did. Now we are digging into Joshua because we felt we needed to get the Israelites to the Promise Land because after 40 years of wondering and 52 weeks of studying they need to get where they are going. The last several chapters of Deuteronomy were my favorite because God gives Moses the key to living happily ever after in the Promise Land.      God made it pretty simple so that everyone could understand it. He said if the Children of Israel would keep ALL of His commandments and statues then He would bless them. Not just bless them but bless everything, them, their families, their crops, their land, their animals, their jobs and their armies. He would curse all who opposed them and tried to hurt the

What are you worried about?

     Have you ever tried to fill a bucket full of holes with water? How did that work for you? It doesn't matter how little or how much water you pour in the bucket it is still going to leak. What would you call a person who kept pouring water into it? What if they did so almost every day of their life? How would react when they complained to you their bucket never gets full? Would you be compassionate and show them how their bucket will never be filled because of the holes? Would you be helpful and help them patch the holes or help them get a new bucket? Would you be mean and tell them they are not putting enough water in the bucket? Would you be insensitive and tell them they are a fool for trying?      The truth is we all know people who are trying to fill their hole filled bucket with water. The even greater truth is that we all at times have done it and some of us continue to do it  every day. I don't mean we are physically holding the bucket full of holes and trying to f