
Showing posts from February, 2016

Shhhh! I have a confession

     Anybody that knows my father knows that he is, well, uh, different. He has a great sense of humor and you never know what will come out of his mouth or when it will come out. One of his favorite ongoing jokes is that one day he is going to write the final book of the Bible entitled "The Gospel According to Dr. Bubba'. It will have verses like, "It is not a lie if everybody knows you are lying" and "Where two or three are gathered together, take up an offering" and "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story." Obviously by those verses you can tell it is all a joke and none of his "truths" are really true except for a few like  "Women's logic has nothing to do with logic." After almost 22 years of marriage I can see some truth in that. For instance, why do we have towels hanging in the bathroom but are not allowed to dry our hands on them?      One of Dr. Bubba's so called truths that has a little truth to

A 39 year old prayer

     Last Friday afternoon I felt it starting. My nose felt like it was under 10,000 pounds of pressure. Blowing and sniffing brought no relief. I started my routine of added fluid, meds, vapor rub and wet towel over the eyes at night. Saturday morning my self diagnosis was proven to be tru e. It was my old nemesis allergies. The pressure in the nose and sinus area grew and grew. Blowing and sniffing was as useful as a fork in a bowel of tomato soup. By mid morning my right eye was pouring water like Niagara Falls while the left became as dry as the Sahara Desert. I fought back as hard as I could with meds, fluids, rub, and whining. By the time evening arrived the final member of the band arrived, the pounding head. I was so happy.      Sunday morning arrived. It was Baptist Women's Day at church so I did not have to deliver a message so the thoughts of staying home and continuing my war on allergies crossed my mind. I have a speaker coming to share about his ministry on Wednesday