
Showing posts from October, 2016

There is a fly in my office...

     I had a long todo list for this afternoon. I had some "administration" things that I needed to work on and hopefully complete. It was fun stuff like getting ready for our bi-annual planning meeting, a small project I am working on for the next deacons meeting, and looking at some slides to be added to our pre-service slide presentation. If possible I wanted to finish my sermon plans for the rest of the year. It was a very doable list. I had no worries about finishing it. I came back from visiting with my Chairman of Deacons and got my things together and was ready to start. Everything started off just as planned. Then it happened.      Out of the corner of my eye I see a small black blur fly by me. I turned my head and didn't see anything so I returned to my work. This happened several more times. Later I felt like something was crawling on my head. With my lack of hair my head is very sensitive to things, especially sunlight. I quickly rubbed my head but didn't