
Showing posts from November, 2017

13 1/2 hours of Black Friday shopping makes my wallet hurt.

    A little over 20 years ago my wife was asked by some of her family to join them for some Black Friday shopping. They told her about all the sales and deals that stores have on that day. She reluctantly went. They only went for a few hours and they didn't go early when all the stores opened. She come home that afternoon with bags in her hands, a sparkle in her eyes and excitement in her heart. She was hooked on Black Friday Shopping. The next year she went again and came home with more bags in hands, a bigger sparkle in her eyes and more excitement in her heart. I realized that it was now in her blood. I knew she would be a regular and she has been.      Her third year something changed though. Going later in the day wasn't going to be good enough. Only going for a couple of hours wasn't going to be good enough. I will never forget coming home one day to find her sitting at the kitchen table surrounded by sales papers. She turned around to show me a toaster oven that wa

Counting sheep never works for me.

     Last night at 9:30ish while I was laying in bed watching TV I started feeling that "I think I could go to sleep" feeling. At 10:07 I decided that even though it was earlier than I normally go to sleep I would give in to the feeling. Soon there after I was off to sleep. I don't know what happened the next few hours, because I was asleep. That didn't last long though. At 2:24 I woke up staring at the alarm clock. I thought to myself I have a few more hours of sleep to go so I rolled over to continue my sleep when a thought ran through my head.      I know it wasn't important at the time but for some reason it wouldn't leave my mind. Off and on all day on Sunday my wife and I had discussed our meal plans for the week but we had not locked any of those plans down. So I wasn't sure if I was supposed to go to the grocery store or not and if I was what I was supposed to get. It wasn't like I was going to get up at 2:30 in the morning to go to the grocer