
Showing posts from February, 2018

Valentine's Day, the most sexist day of the year

     The countdown has begun to Valentine's Day. You know the day when every husband/boyfriend must declare their love with chocolate, flowers, jewelry, cards, fancy dinners, romantic lines, thoughtful gifts and of course they must declare their love on social media for all the world to see. Every wife/girlfriend on the other hand not only receives all of these wonderful tokens of love but they only have to give a card and maybe a shirt or a bottle of cologne in return. For many years I have felt this holiday was started by a woman. So this year, I decided to research my theory.      I first researched St. Valentine. That wasn't helpful. The Catholic church recognizes at least 3 St. Valentines. Each had their own "love story". One did underground marriages after marriages were declared illegal. One fell in love while sneaking Christians to safety when the Roman government was putting them to death. The other was in jail when he fell in love with somebody's dau