
Showing posts from November, 2015

Let go of my TV before I pound your face. Oh, by the way Jesus loves you and I do too.

     It is that time of year again. After spending Thursday being thankful for what we have we spend Friday fighting for the things we don't. We want new things so bad now we can't wait until Friday or even early Friday morning so we don't even take a full day to be thankful. We skip out just after the pumpkin pie to get in line to trade elbows with all the other grateful people. After all we are getting into the "Christmas spirit" to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. If we don't save that $40.00 on that big screen TV it just will not be Christmas. I don't think Jesus wants to take the credit for the season of shopping. He is the reason for Christmas not Black Friday. Retailers and consumers are the reason for that. After all if the consumers didn't buy the retailers wouldn't be open. On the flip side if the retailers didn't open the consumers couldn't buy so there is enough blame to go around to the greedy retailers and the blood


     I started to make the title "A MESSAGE TO ALL THSOE WHO OWN THE MOST DANGEROUS WEAPONS".  By that title you would assume I was talking about guns because they are in the news every time the news is on. Opinions about guns and gun control make an appearance on my Facebook newsfeeds daily. So I have a message for all weapon owners. But before I get to that I want to say that I am a gun owner, carrier, shooter, respecter and I like things that go BOOM! I have not always been all of these except for liking things that go BOOM! Before I became a gun owner I wanted to make sure I was at a point in my life that I could handle the responsibility. I didn't purchase one on the spur of the moment or while I was caught up in an emotional situation. Instead, I learned how to handle one, shoot one and felt comfortable with one before I purchased one. I also take all of the safety precautions I can to make sure no tragic accidents happen. Once I owned one I didn't automatically

Coffee Cups & Glaciers attacking Christmas?

     Every year it seems like there is less and less Christ in Christmas. This year it seems to be coming from a lot of different angles or at least the media and whistle blowers want you to believe it is. In a lot of areas of my life I go by the Duck motto (If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, smells like a duck and acts like a duck, its a duck). Even though I am not a big Christmas season person I am a big Christ in Christmas person because that is the only reason we have Christmas, sorry Santa. As I have watched the news the past couple of days and read some stuff on social media I think I am calling some so called attacks on Christmas, a platypus. You know, it kind of looks like a duck and maybe has some duck smells but doesn't sound or act like a duck. Here is what I mean.     Those mean people at Starbucks are attacking Christmas with those red cups. Huh? How can they have just plan red cups? They must hate Christmas. Even though red is a traditional Christmas color