Let go of my TV before I pound your face. Oh, by the way Jesus loves you and I do too.
It is that time of year again. After spending Thursday being thankful for what we have we spend Friday fighting for the things we don't. We want new things so bad now we can't wait until Friday or even early Friday morning so we don't even take a full day to be thankful. We skip out just after the pumpkin pie to get in line to trade elbows with all the other grateful people. After all we are getting into the "Christmas spirit" to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. If we don't save that $40.00 on that big screen TV it just will not be Christmas. I don't think Jesus wants to take the credit for the season of shopping. He is the reason for Christmas not Black Friday. Retailers and consumers are the reason for that. After all if the consumers didn't buy the retailers wouldn't be open. On the flip side if the retailers didn't open the consumers couldn't buy so there is enough blame to go around to the greedy retailers and the blood...