Coffee Cups & Glaciers attacking Christmas?

     Every year it seems like there is less and less Christ in Christmas. This year it seems to be coming from a lot of different angles or at least the media and whistle blowers want you to believe it is. In a lot of areas of my life I go by the Duck motto (If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, smells like a duck and acts like a duck, its a duck). Even though I am not a big Christmas season person I am a big Christ in Christmas person because that is the only reason we have Christmas, sorry Santa. As I have watched the news the past couple of days and read some stuff on social media I think I am calling some so called attacks on Christmas, a platypus. You know, it kind of looks like a duck and maybe has some duck smells but doesn't sound or act like a duck. Here is what I mean.
    Those mean people at Starbucks are attacking Christmas with those red cups. Huh? How can they have just plan red cups? They must hate Christmas. Even though red is a traditional Christmas color people want some designs on the cups. Most of those Christmas designs made it hard for workers to write the name on the cups which is how they tell what cup of overpriced coffee belongs to what costumer. So the red cup makes it easier to write on and still has some of the Christmas theme. They said they wanted to make the design more simpler to allow all those people who doodle on their cups to have a red canvas. I do remember being at a craft show somewhere and seeing people buy Starbucks cups that some lady had drawn on for $10.00.I Googled Starbucks Cup art and found lots of pictures of cups that people have drawn on so it must be a pretty popular thing to do. After all after you buy their expensive coffee who has money to by paper to draw on.
Here is why I call this a platypus and not a duck. I also Googled Starbucks Christmas Cups and I found lots of cups from many years past. I saw snowmen, Santa, snowflakes, skates, Christmas trees, gift boxes and some other things I wasn't sure what they were but I never once saw a manager, a star, a baby Jesus, a Shepard or even a Wiseman who some how sneak their way into manager scenes even though they were not there. (Matthew 2: 1-13, especially verse 11) So in my book they never promoted CHRISTmas to begin with. If your Christmas is about trees, gifts and Santa I guess you maybe have an ultra slim case but if your Christmas is Jesus then those cups never celebrated Christmas.
     I will admit when I heard about South Park Mall's new glacier I was one of the few excited people. I heard the word interactive and started thinking of all the possibilities. There could be a game called Reindeer Hunt based on the old Duck Hunt video game. What about a find the Elf on the Shelf game based on the Where Waldo books? I used to have an elf bowling game on my computer so that would be a fun interactive game. Then I saw it was just a funny looking glacier with Santa sitting in it. So I joined the upset people band wagon. Not because it took the place of the Christmas tree but because it was one ugly glacier. So people started signing petitions and threating to boycott the mall. They started claiming the mall was trying to be politically correct. They said they were trying to kill the Christmas spirit. The mall management company said the same thing was happening in other malls that had the glacier so they said it was a mistake and took out the glacier so they could put back the much loved Christmas. Again I call platypus. I don't remember any Christmas trees in the scriptures. I have read many of the theories about the first Christmas trees so I can agree with you it is a Christmas tradition but I cannot agree with you that it has to be present for Christmas to happen or that it is required for it to feel like Christmas.
     The funniest so called attack on Christmas I heard last week on one of those national news programs. There is a big debate among retail companies over how soon is too soon to open up for Black Friday sales. Stores kept opening up earlier and earlier on that Friday until there was no more hours left so they begin to open up on Thursday which is Thanksgiving. Sales were good so they opened up even earlier and now it has spread to all day on Thanksgiving for some stores. So now some stores are going public to say they will not open up on Thanksgiving and other stores are questing their motives for not opening up on Thanksgiving. Here is the funny part to me. This reporter was asking a lady what she thought about stores NOT opening up on Thanksgiving and in an angry voice she said they were trying to ruin her Christmas. I laughed so hard because I was thinking about those poor retail workers who have to work on Thanksgiving so that she could have a good Christmas. Trust me, from my experience as a retail worker what little extra pay you get for working Thanksgiving does not make up for missing time with your family. Even the time you get to spend with them is dampened because you are struggling to stay awake from working the odd hours. So it is easy to see why I call this attack a platypus.
     So here is my theory on all of these attacks on Christmas. If you need a coffee cup, a mall display or a sale on clothes to celebrate Christmas you have already ruined Christmas for yourself. You need to read Luke 2:10-11 again, the whole book of John and well, maybe the whole Bible. You can take cups away. You can take trees with lights away and you can even close stores but you can never take Jesus away. That is the reason we celebrate Christmas, His birth. If that is not enough to get you excited then you have depended on the world for Christmas too long. It is time to find the true meaning of Christmas once again.

Parting Thought: Remember thanks is only half of Thanksgiving.


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