Sock Problems

     I have a uncomfortable situation. My sock on my right foot will not stay up. I don't normally have this problem but today I do. I like normal socks, thick ones that go up your ankle but my wife likes what is called, "no show socks." She buys my socks so guess which ones I wear. Today I have on a pair of "no show socks". I have worn them several times and I have never had a problem with them staying on my feet but today my right sock keeps sliding down my foot. I have removed my shoe and pulled it back into place several times today.
     It is amazing how much of my day has been dedicated to my sock. I put on my sock this morning. I pull it up. I took off my shoe and pulled it back up. I think about how to keep it up. I thought about using some T-rex tape to keep it up but I don't like pain. I figure it will be painful to take off the tape. So, I just keep pulling it up. What is a man supposed to do?
     To many people my sock problem would seem very small and silly. That is because those people don't have socks that are falling. They may not even have socks on. They may be wearing flip-flops which to me are worse than falling socks. I am sure if they had falling socks they would understand. Some people may have had a falling sock before but they have forgotten how bad it was. They may not even remember having a falling sock. I tried to remember when the last time I had a falling sock. It took me a while but I finally remembered having one several years ago. It was on a Saturday. I only know that because I remember what I was doing. I was putting out mulch at home and I had on my work boots. I was wearing a normal sock but it kept falling. That day I simply went inside and changed socks. That is what I would do if I was at home today but I am at the office and I don't have extra socks here. Maybe I will bring some for the next time I have a falling sock.
     You should take a moment to thank about falling socks. Even if you are wearing flip-flops. Think
about how uncomfortable it would be having a sock that keeps falling down. Think about the time and energy you would spend pulling it up. Think about how many times you would think about it. Think about what you would do with a falling sock.
     By this time you are probably wondering why I would take the time to write a whole blog about a falling sock. I am not looking for sock donations if that is what you are thinking. I am not even looking for suggestions on how to keep my sock up. I am not looking for sympathy either. So, why am I writing about my sock?
     I want to remind you of something. Other people's problems sometimes don't seem so big because they are not our problems. Sometimes our problems seem big because they are our problems. Problems are problems though. As parents we learn that our child's problems are so small but they seem like the end of the world to them. For instance, when your child loses that special stuffed animal. You know they have hundreds more and that they could sleep with but none of them are that special one. You don't stay up all night trying to convince them that they can sleep with other stuffed animals. You turn the house upside down looking for it. You don't sleep until you find it. You understand how that stuffed animal means the world to them and their problem becomes your problem. It isn't because you think it is an earth ending problem but you understand how important it is to you child. Because you love them you take an interest in the problem and you choose to become a part of the solution. When you finally find the stuffed animal in the freezer, you don't ask how it got there. You just celebrate with you child that it was found.
     When we hear someone's problem we shouldn't judge it and decide what our level of concern or what level of our involvement will be. We should just understand that if we love them and if they have a problem we should be concerned. It may seem silly to us but it may be world shaking to them. We don't have to solve it and fix it. We just have to show true concern. Jesus showed concern to others even though He knew their problems were not earth ending. He could see the much bigger picture but He was still concerned. For instance, His first recorded miracle. A wedding running out of wine was a major social disaster but it wasn't earth ending. But Jesus turned the water to wine because He was concerned. So, instead of being judgmental we should have compassion. Compassion comes from love and actions come from compassion. Think about how much better the world would be if it was full of compassion. Compassion is contagious, so spread it.


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