
Showing posts from May, 2016

Have I got an offer for you...if you act now...operators are standing by...only pay shipping and handling

     So in the mail last week I got, and you probably did too, a credit card application. This one said I was one of the select few to get this offer and I knew it had to be true because the application was addressed to Ashley Crouse or current resident. It said I could get up to a $5000 credit limit (that would buy a lot of bacon) and enjoy financial freedom with this card. I could even design my card to make it more personal. That was just the good stuff on the envelope and I knew that there had to more good stuff awaiting inside. Most of the time I do like everyone else and rip those offers into hundreds of pieces before tossing it to the trash. For some reason I decided to look into this offer. Not that I had any plans of accepting it but I was curious what kind of credit card would be offered to anybody who happened to have a mailbox. So I read the information that came with the application and was very impressed. All I had to do to "qualify" to submit my application

Today is the calm before the storm at my house.

     Today things are pretty normal at my house for a Thursday during the Spring. Abby is at dance class, Lisa is mowing and I am hacking away on the laptop trying to tie up some loose ends from this week's work load. Before everybody jumps up and begins yelling about my wife mowing let me give you a quick explanation. My wife is the text book example of OCD when it comes to taking care of the house. Not only does it have to be done right but it has to be done her way. This goes for moping, bed making, dusting, vacuuming, and even yard mowing. She likes to mow and she likes the yard mowed in a certain way. I have tried to mow it her way but it isn't up to her standards even if it looks the same way it would have if she mowed it. So as I tell couples who are about to get married, not every battle is worth fighting. So while she is outside mowing I will put my apron on and have supper ready for her when she finishes. She will clean the kitchen because of course I wouldn't cle

Is it just me or does everybody my age look older than me?

     From time to time as I scroll through my Face Book feeds I will click on the "People you may know" post that Face Book is kind enough to send me. I don't know how I am supposed to know a retired plumber from Mississippi or high school student from Utah or a hair dresser from anywhere but Face Book seems to think I do because they put them in the post. Every once and a while I will read a name that seems to stir some memories. As I ponder on the name I think I may have went to school with them. So I click on their profile. I look at the profile picture and think to myself, "I couldn't have went to school with them, they look much older than me." Sometimes I will scroll through their profile, check their "About" section and maybe look at a few pictures. That is when I usually get a big surprise, I did go to school with them. I will take a quick glance in the mirror and wonder how come I don't look as old as them.    This happens not just on

Hype or Scriptures? What is a Christian to believe?

Some people I know my have noticed that I have a fondness for bacon. I have been known to eat a piece or twelve at breakfast. Because of this fondness I am a sucker for anything they make bacon flavored. I have picked my teeth with bacon flavored toothpicks. (Ironically to pick bacon out of my teeth.) I have put bacon flavored lip balm on my chapped lips. (Didn't work, I kept licking my lips) I have had bacon scented air freshener in my vehicle. (Couldn't tell the difference.) So for this reason people constantly send me bacon recipes, posts with bacon in it and anything else they see that has bacon in it. And I love everyone of them. I bet over the years I have been sent the picture of the bacon wrapped turkey a hundred times and I have drooled every time. I am already looking forward to this Thanksgiving because I know I will receive it again. So as you can tell I will try almost anything with the word bacon in it. So you can imagine how excited I was when the Bacon Bowl hi