Have I got an offer for you...if you act now...operators are standing by...only pay shipping and handling
So in the mail last week I got, and you probably did too, a credit card application. This one said I was one of the select few to get this offer and I knew it had to be true because the application was addressed to Ashley Crouse or current resident. It said I could get up to a $5000 credit limit (that would buy a lot of bacon) and enjoy financial freedom with this card. I could even design my card to make it more personal. That was just the good stuff on the envelope and I knew that there had to more good stuff awaiting inside. Most of the time I do like everyone else and rip those offers into hundreds of pieces before tossing it to the trash. For some reason I decided to look into this offer. Not that I had any plans of accepting it but I was curious what kind of credit card would be offered to anybody who happened to have a mailbox. So I read the information that came with the application and was very impressed. All I had to do...