Hype or Scriptures? What is a Christian to believe?

Some people I know my have noticed that I have a fondness for bacon. I have been known to eat a piece or twelve at breakfast. Because of this fondness I am a sucker for anything they make bacon flavored. I have picked my teeth with bacon flavored toothpicks. (Ironically to pick bacon out of my teeth.) I have put bacon flavored lip balm on my chapped lips. (Didn't work, I kept licking my lips) I have had bacon scented air freshener in my vehicle. (Couldn't tell the difference.) So for this reason people constantly send me bacon recipes, posts with bacon in it and anything else they see that has bacon in it. And I love everyone of them. I bet over the years I have been sent the picture of the bacon wrapped turkey a hundred times and I have drooled every time. I am already looking forward to this Thanksgiving because I know I will receive it again.

So as you can tell I will try almost anything with the word bacon in it. So you can imagine how excited I was when the Bacon Bowl hit the TV airways. The first time I saw it I thought I could easily and more efficiently do the same thing by weaving bacon over a bowl or pan. But the more I saw the commercial the more I had to have it. So every time I went to a place that had the As Seen On TV section I looked for my treasure and then one day, there it was. I couldn't wait to get it home and try it. After I looked at it and read the directions I soon realized they left out an important detail on TV
and on the box. Bacon draws up as it is cooked. So even though you have the bowl covered precooking it doesn't mean it will be a full bowl postcooking. I knew this but I still followed the directions because it worked on TV and on the box. So I made my first bacon bowel and when it finished cooking it looked like a small pair of bacon shorts. There was no way it was going to hold anything so I ate the bowel. I arranged the bacon differently and added more bacon to the next try. Not much more success. So I repeated the process. After two packs of bacon I finally got some useable bowls.  Even when I had usable bowls they were so small I couldn't fit a whole egg in it much less bacon and cheese. I had fell victim to the hype. It was at that point I decided I would have been better off to stuck to my original idea of weaving the bacon instead of trying to wrap it around the Bacon Bowl.

My bacon bowl experience was a funny experience and I got to eat a lot of bacon. There is a bigger hype problem in our world today that is not funny. It is Satan's hype. As I scroll through my newsfeeds it sometimes saddens me to see how many Christians have fell for it. They support this or stand for that even though the scriptures speak against it. There is pictures of them doing this or that even though the scriptures call it sin. This could turn into the world's longest blog if I chose to pick out all of the things that Christians have chose over what God's word says but to me those things are not the major issue. I could go through everything I see on TV that is against God's Word but my fingers could not type that much. I could even call out people's sin but then they would just call out mine. Even though I tell everybody if I can eat one more bite it is not technically gluttony and if it is I will stop it tomorrow. What I see as the problem goes deeper than the outside sin. It is the lack of God's word in our hearts.
              I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
                                                               Psalms 119:11 (ESV)

Where do we Christians get our information from when it comes to what is right and what is not? Politicians? Celebrities? Media? Friends? Social Media? Sadly yes to all. Where should it come
from? Family? Friends? SS Teacher?  Preacher? Actually, no to those outlets of information. The once source we should get our information from is God's Word. Now I can hear some of you saying, "But it just gives one side. It doesn't give the other side of the story." That is very true because God's view is the only view that matters. Now friends, family, SS Teachers, Preachers, and even sometimes Social Media can help you dig into the scriptures to find your answers but if theirs or anybody else's answers are not supported by God's Word than it is not the answer you need.

Now some people are masters at twisting Scripture to fit their agenda or view. So that is why you need to study God's Word for yourself. Get a Strong's Concordance or another that will give you the meaning of words in their original language. Don't just read a verse or two. Dig deep. Find supporting verses that will affirm what the verses you are reading are saying. There is not contradictions in the Bible so if what you are finding in God's Word doesn't match something you have been told then you may have been listening to a false teacher. Somethings sound Biblical (God helps those who help themselves) but are not. We have gone from hiding God's Word in our hearts to hiding behind the world. It is time we Christians stand for what we believe. We can't do that until we know what we believe and why so I challenge you to dust off your Bible and study it. You may find you have been on the wrong side of an issue because you believed the hype not the Scriptures. And someday you will stand before God and have to answer for your belief. Take this warning, God doesn't believe the hype and you shouldn't either.

Parting Thought: The Bible, its more than a bulletin holder.


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