
Showing posts from June, 2016

I am offended if anyone cares!

     Do you get offended? I do. I am offended that bacon doesn't come standard on all cheeseburgers. I am offended at the shampoo commercials that say you have to have to have good looking hair to feel good about yourself. I am offended when people pull for Duke or UNC. I get offended when people say, "No offence, but..." If you don't want to offend me don't say it. I get offended when people try to get me to agree with their reasoning for not going to church. I get offended at Mondays. I get offended when telemarketers call. I get offended when people assume I want to grow my hair back. I only keep what I got because my wife wants me to keep it. I get offended by all politicians no matter the party. I get offended by the weather when it gets over 75 degrees. I get offended by car commercials that want to rub it in my face that I can't afford them. I get offended when restaurants burn the outside of my rare steak. How do you do that?      I get offended by dr

Forgiven from sins, not from consenquences

     I have watched the news over the past few months some. I have read a lot of the titles of posts on social media. I have actually read or watch only a few posts. I have heard the debates and interviews of the "experts" on the events that have taken place. I have heard some of the comments and messages that preachers have put out there. And the commentary everyone else has provided on it. I have read what my social media friends have had to say. A lot of them made me wonder when they became an "expert" on such things. Most of them made me wonder if they even researched what they were saying or posting because it was so obvious that it was made up. Anyway, we are all entitled to our opinion and for now we have the right to express it, no matter how profound or dumb it may be. The trouble with most of these opinions about the shootings, terrorist attacks, protest, elections, and animal troubles is that all we are doing is beating a dead horse. We know there is a pr

She shot him down, without a word

     Last night my wife and I witnessed somebody's most embarrassing moment. We were walking into Sweet Frogs to turn in Abby's band money. She will be marching in the South Caldwell Band next year and they are going to Chicago to march in the McDonalds Thanksgiving Parade. To help pay for this trip the band is having a spaghetti dinner on June 25th. The tickets are $10.00 each. They also have Domino's Pizza cards for $10.00. They are good for buy one get one in Caldwell and Catawba Counties. Message me if you interested. Ok, enough of this shameless plug but seriously message me.      As we were walking from our car one of those jacked up pickup trucks passed us with two guys in it. After they passed us they slowed down to a stop in the middle of the parking lot but I didn't pay attention to why until I heard one of them hollering. I turned to see that he was trying to get the attention of this young lady sitting on a bench. She looked up from her phone but didn