I am offended if anyone cares!

     Do you get offended? I do. I am offended that bacon doesn't come standard on all cheeseburgers. I am offended at the shampoo commercials that say you have to have to have good looking hair to feel good about yourself. I am offended when people pull for Duke or UNC. I get offended when people say, "No offence, but..." If you don't want to offend me don't say it. I get offended when people try to get me to agree with their reasoning for not going to church. I get offended at Mondays. I get offended when telemarketers call. I get offended when people assume I want to grow my hair back. I only keep what I got because my wife wants me to keep it. I get offended by all politicians no matter the party. I get offended by the weather when it gets over 75 degrees. I get offended by car commercials that want to rub it in my face that I can't afford them. I get offended when restaurants burn the outside of my rare steak. How do you do that?
     I get offended by drivers who refuse to drive the speed limit. I get offended at Wal-Mart when there are fifty people trying to check out with only four lanes open and ten employees walking around
with radios talking about how long the lines are. I get offended when the gas pump asks me if I want to buy a lottery ticket. I get offended when people give me diet tips. I may look like I am on a diet but that doesn't mean I am. I get offended when the Olive Garden wait staff starts giving me the wine speech before asking if I want to hear it. Hurry up and bring me my breadsticks. I get offended at my TV when all three shows I am watching are on commercial at the same time. I get offended by Duke Power when they want more money. I just paid them last month. I get offended when the sun burns the top of my head.
     I get offended when stores don't have prices on their merchandise. I get offended that bacon only comes in single serving packs. I am offended that Caldwell County Schools thinks my daughter should be in high school next year. I am offended that very few shoes come in wide. I am sorry for the look I gave the last person who was helping me when they suggested I order shoes online. I didn't mean to sound smart when I asked how I was supposed to stick my foot in the computer to try them on. I am offended at how my full my stomach fills after leaving Sweet Frogs. Country music offends me. Rap does too. I need lots of drums and screaming electric guitars. I am offended at my right foot because it is so warped that I have to have extra wide shoes.
     I am offended by who ever invented the neck tie. I am offended at cameras because they take pictures that make me look short, fat and bald. I identify as a tall, long haired muscular dude. I am offended by the New England Patriots. I am offended that tech support people with an Indian accent
think I will believe them when they say their name is Frank or Betty. I get offended at the beach when it puts sand in my clothes. I am offended that traveling is never called in the NBA. I get offended when people don't believe my name is Ashley. Thanks Dad! I am offended that my bank says I am out of money even though I have plenty of checks to go.
     I am offended. Do you care that I am offended? Probably not. The truth is, I don't care either. I was not put on this world to be pleased by everyone. I hate to break it to some of you, but you were not either. In fact, I was put on this world to be offended, laughed out, mocked, insulted and persecuted. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ then you were too.
          If the world hateth you, ye know that it hath hated me before it hated you. 19 If ye were of the world, the world would love its own: but because ye are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. 20 Remember the word that I said unto you, A servant is not greater than his lord. If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they kept my word, they will keep yours also.
John 15:18-20 (ASV)
     So Christians, if we are living as we should, doing our Father's business as we should and witnessing as we should then we should be getting offended not accepted. There is no need to throw a pity party, give up or even complain about it. This is the way Jesus said it would be. So suck it up buttercup and lets go get offended.

Parting Thought: Don't worry if Satan is attacking you, worry if he isn't.


  1. Is that all that offends you? It offends me if people don't think my dog is beautiful, and love her as much as I do! There's just no way not to offend someone. I try not to offend people that's true. However, if I do something according to Gods word, and it offends people that's to bad. Also, if I live by the bible, I am going to be made fun of or even persecuted. No surprise there, Jesus said we would be persecuted! I don't like it, but I guess I'll just suck it up buttercup! God bless!


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