
Showing posts from September, 2016

Can I protest? WWJD?

     I have watched some of the protesting that is going on around the United States over the past few months. How could I not? It was on every channel during every show. I, like most Americans, had my opinions on the protests, the protesters, the reason for the protest and what should happen. Just like every other American I had my quick fix idea. As I step back and look at my quick fix solution I realize that it probably wouldn't work because I don't know all of the insides and outsides of the situation. I only know what the media, social media and an occasional researched article tells me. I know that I don't know everything about any of the situations. So is my opinion an informed opinion? Not really. But when has that stopped anybody from sharing their opinion? In America it doesn't matter if your opinion is based on facts, myths, research, fantasy or anything else. America will find you a place to express it. It may be on social media, at the watercooler, from a p

Lessons learned from Saved By The Bell

     Saved By The Bell was a teen comedy series that aired from 1989-1992 but has been on the air somewhere every year since in syndication. I didn't watch it until 10 or 12 years ago when my daughter, Abby, discovered Zach and the gang. We have watched it ever sense. It is definitely not intellectual TV but it is a clean show and somehow has gotten funnier over the years. I think I have seen each episode so many times that I am now laughing at myself for laughing at the lame jokes the show is filled with.      Over the years I have learned a lot by watching Saved By The Bell. The first thing was their school, Bayside, was much cooler than my high school or any high school for that matter. They didn't have a cafeteria, instead they always ate at a nearby restaurant, The Max. They could come and go to the Max anytime they wanted even during classes. They ordered burgers, fries, shakes and drinks but hardly every paid for any of it. They used The Max as their hangout, for sch

Warning Warning: There is only 99 days 13 hours 28 minutes and 12 seconds until Christmas

     I saw something disturbing on Facebook yesterday. I seen it in a few places but I still didn't believe it. I decided to Google it today to see if it was true. I was saddened to find there was truth to the post. That means there is less than 100 days until Christmas. In fact, there is 99 days 13 hours 27 minutes and 2 seconds. It seems to be getting closer by the second. My wife will be asking any day now if we can put our tree up. I look for Christmas music to hit the stores at any time. From my years of retail I know that in a lot of stores there is Christmas merchandise in the back rooms ready to be stocked. I wouldn't be surprised if some hasn't leaked out onto the sales floor some where. It is coming even if we are not ready for it.      To be honest I did not calculate the days, hours, minutes, and seconds till Christmas. (Which currently stands at 99 days 13 hours 23 minutes 45 seconds.) From my Google search I found lots of Christmas countdown sites. Some of

There are dead ends on the informational highway.

     A nurse was working at the local hospital when the phone began to ring. She answered the phone to find an elderly woman on the other end. The woman asked about the condition of Mrs. Johnson in room 405. The nurse checked a few papers and on the computer to find out the condition of Mrs. Johnson before replying. The woman waited patiently on the phone. The nurse returned to the phone to tell the woman that Mrs. Johnson was doing great. She informed her that they would soon be removing her IV and that the doctor had already signed the discharge papers for her to be discharged the next morning. The woman on the phone thanked the nurse for the information. The nurse then asked, "Is Mrs. Johnson a family member of yours?" The woman on the phone answered, "No, this is Mrs. Johnson in 405. I wanted to know how I was doing since nobody has time to come to my room to tell me."      Have you ever felt like Mrs. Johnson in room 405? You needed some information but the pe