
Showing posts from June, 2017

I am learning to live with an aneurysm, for now.

     The Thursday before Mother's Day I went to the doctor for a regular check up. My blood pressure was in the range the doctor wanted. All the numbers that were high in my previous blood work had dropped and most where back into the normal range. Somehow my weight even dropped. My doctor was very pleased and announced I was doing good and was healthy even with my slightly above average bacon intake. I was happy because instead of having to go back monthly to make my copayment donation to her children's college fun I got a six month pass.     Then Friday come, Friday afternoon to be exact. I was running some errands with my daughter and felt a small but sharp pain in my lower right side. It didn't stay long. It later came back but left again. This pattern continued for the rest of the evening. The time in pain got longer and the pain got worse while the pain free time got shorter and shorter. By bedtime there was no relief and the pain just came in waves. On the pain scal

My addiction is causing a moral dilemma today

     I do believe I am addicted to something and this morning from the time I got up until now I have been craving it. At first I did it socially with some family and close friends. I justified as "they wanted to do it." I kept telling myself it wasn't a big deal and if "nobody wanted to" I would be alright without it. The truth is though, I think about it every time I am in the area of my connection. There are times I have to physically restrain myself stopping to fuel my addiction. I have even considered rerouting my travels so I would not pass the temptation.      Today is bad though. I have just about talked myself into rearranging my schedule today so I can give in to the temptation I am facing. That is only the beginning of my battle. I know the next few days are going to be extremely busy for me so there will be no time to see if "anyone else wants to" but I think I have found some time I can do it alone each day. On Wednesday, I have figured o

The Croods can teach us how to survive.

     I have caught a bits and pieces of a movie entitled, "The Croods" over the years. The few minutes I have watched seemed to be funny so I decided that I wanted to watch the entire movie at some point. I had never caught the beginning or the end so I really didn't know what the storyline was all about. I could tell it had something to do with a family of cavemen on a trip. I finally got a chance to watch the entire movie this past weekend. I did enjoyed it and learned a good lesson.      Basically, the Croods is the only remaining family of caveman living in a cave. All their neighbors had died off and that made the father become over protective of the family. They couldn't leave their cave except in a group and they only left to find food. They would stay days at a time in the cave. The father taught them to "Always be afraid." He also told them all new things were dangerous, curiosity was a bad thing and fear was the only way to survive. Everything was