My addiction is causing a moral dilemma today

     I do believe I am addicted to something and this morning from the time I got up until now I have been craving it. At first I did it socially with some family and close friends. I justified as "they wanted to do it." I kept telling myself it wasn't a big deal and if "nobody wanted to" I would be alright without it. The truth is though, I think about it every time I am in the area of my connection. There are times I have to physically restrain myself stopping to fuel my addiction. I have even considered rerouting my travels so I would not pass the temptation.
     Today is bad though. I have just about talked myself into rearranging my schedule today so I can give in to the temptation I am facing. That is only the beginning of my battle. I know the next few days are going to be extremely busy for me so there will be no time to see if "anyone else wants to" but I think I have found some time I can do it alone each day. On Wednesday, I have figured out a
way to get it twice.
     I just don't know how I can face my family after doing it alone though. They will know that I am addicted to it. I can see their faces now when they find out I did it without them, especially my daughter's precious face. After all it was her that got me started. She did it with friends and wanted to do it with me one day. I kept telling her I should not be doing that kind of thing. But I stopped for her to get her fix and I tried one. And now I sit here in my office craving it to the point I am about to rearrange my schedule so I can do it again. By the way, does anyone know what time Pelican's Snoballs opens today?
     Those snoballs has become my favorite non-bacon food. If they would have a bacon flavored snoball I would have to move my office into their parking lot. When my daughter kept telling me how good they were I kept thinking, "It's just shaved ice." I remembered the ones I have gotten at fairs and other places where you got way more ice than flavoring. Then I tried one, the snow cream snoball. Then the dreamsicle, then the chocolate cream and then the banana cream. Today I am craving the peaches and cream. I am trying to decide how bad
it would be to go without my family who enjoys them too. Should I tell them if I do? I am sure they will know some how.
     What if I, and you, and them, and everyone else craved God the same way I am craveing Pelican's? We would take time to rearrange our schedules to make sure we got to serve Him every day. We would make praying a top priority everyday not just when we are in need or want something. Extra meetings and events at church wouldn't seem like a chore but a blessing. We would plan our calendar around the church's calendar instead of giving the church what free time was left. We wouldn't wake up on Sunday mornings and have to decide if we are going to church or not, we would just know we are going and going to both services. We would look for people every where we go that hasn't heard our testimony so we can share it and if they haven't hard it in a while we would give them an update. We would make sacrifices weekly so that we could give more to the church when the plates are passed. We would read our Bibles more than we watched our TV or played on our phone.
     Things would be a lot different if we all craved God. God would be pouring out more blessings than we could ever imagine. All churches would be full and expanding. All the lost would be reached. Sin would be on the decline. Church would be "cool" and everything else would not. Crime would begin to fade away. We would find we would have more time to do the things we enjoy, including going to Pelican's. How? How can I give more time and money to God and still have time and money to do the things I want? It is called blessings. God will provide. After all, I am sure I could get a group to join me for Bible Study at Pelican's. That way I could fill both my cravings. My craving for snocones and for God. What are you craving today? Is it God? Why not? He craved you to the point He sent His only Son to die on a cross and to rise from a grave. So, don't tell me why you don't crave God, tell Him! I am going for a snocone.

Parting Thought: Sign seen on a small family owned store: PUSH, if that doesn't work PULL and if that doesn't work, we ae CLOSED.


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