
Showing posts from January, 2018

It is Super Bowl Week!!!

     When people talk about the Holiday Season they usually mean Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's but there is an unofficial holiday that comes soon after New Year's that I feel completes the Holiday Season. The countdown has started for that unofficial holiday, it is called the Super Bowl. We have finished the NFL season and went through the play offs to find out which teams will be playing and now in a few short days we will have what NFL fans have waited for since last February, the Super Bowl.       The Super Bowl is unlike any other championship.It is a one game show down. In the NBA and in MLB you have to win four out of seven games and the championship series can take over a week to play. It becomes a test of endurance not just who is better. This is also a longer build up for the Super Bowl. There is less than a week from the conference championship and the championship series in other leagues but there is two weeks between the conference championship and th

Have you ever asked if it is worth it? Proverbs 15:16

     Have  you ever asked yourself, "Is this worth all the trouble?" I am sure most of us have asked that question about many things. We evaluate everything from relationships to cars to cooking to hobbies to anything else that can cause us troubles. At some point we get tired of all the troubles and start evaluating weather the troubles outweigh the benefits or enjoyment. That is how we decide to continue putting up with the troubles or to start over with something else.       I fought the battle of troubles vs enjoyment with my Xbox. The original one that came out in 2001. Not that I got it in 2001 because I was married and my daughter was born that year. I finally got mine from a guy at the Jamestown Flea Market a couple years later. I had talked to him a couple of times because I really wanted one. I had an original Nintendo and a Super Nintendo with several games and accessories. After a few weeks of negotiations he agreed to take all my stuff in on trade for a Xbox a

It’s a New Year to do the same old things

         Every year at this time I remember back to the years I worked at the Nautilus Fitness Center. January was crazy. We would sale memberships by the dozen to all the New Year Resolutionist. They would come by the masses. A few would sign up for a 3 month membership to see if they would stick with it. The majority wanted the year or the two year contract. They were going to stick to their diet, workout everyday and become a more healthy person. I and every other instructor were happy to sign them up even though we knew many of them we would never see again.      The regulars hated January. There were so many people in the gym that they couldn’t get to their weight machines. They had to wait for the cardio machines. They were elbow to elbow in the aerobic classes. There was even lines to the hot tub and steam room. Finding an empty locker was an adventure. Most knew this was only a temporary inconvenience and that soon they could have their gym back. They also understood that t