It is Super Bowl Week!!!

     When people talk about the Holiday Season they usually mean Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's but there is an unofficial holiday that comes soon after New Year's that I feel completes the Holiday Season. The countdown has started for that unofficial holiday, it is called the Super Bowl. We have finished the NFL season and went through the play offs to find out which teams will be playing and now in a few short days we will have what NFL fans have waited for since last February, the Super Bowl. 
     The Super Bowl is unlike any other championship.It is a one game show down. In the NBA and in
MLB you have to win four out of seven games and the championship series can take over a week to play. It becomes a test of endurance not just who is better. This is also a longer build up for the Super Bowl. There is less than a week from the conference championship and the championship series in other leagues but there is two weeks between the conference championship and the Super Bowl. 
     The game is so well hyped that nonfootball fans will tune in to the game. There is not only the hype about the game itself but there is hype for the halftime show and commercials. It will cost a company $5 million for a 30 second commercial this year. Companies spend all year coming up with the best commercial they can for the Super Bowl. Every year there is a couple shows that air about the commercials. They show how they are made, they rank them and they give sneak peeks of the upcoming commercials.  The halftime show becomes a show itself as the artist try to outdo the arts from the previous year. There will be lots of dancers and fireworks. It is such a big show that halftime is extended sometimes by 20 minutes or more. 
     Then there is the food. There will be wings, nachos, pizza, BBQ, brownies, hotdogs, hamburgers, shrimp, things wrapped in bacon and just about every finger food you can think of served during the Super Bowl. People will begin cooking Saturday to get all their food ready for their party. Grocery stores will run out of food this weekend. Pizza places will bring in all their delivery people. Wing places will have to turn people away. It is crazy to think of all the food that will be eaten during the game. According to the National Chicken Council there was 1.33 BILLION wings ate last year during the Super Bowl. I did my part.
     With all this Super Bowl hype I wonder what would happen if we picked a Sunday to hype church
the way we do the Super Bowl. What if we ran commercials for the Super Sunday for weeks? The preacher would run teasers for his message. The choir could prepare a never sung before special. The ushers could wear matching suits and use special plates. There could be a covered dish dinner ate during the message. The church could put signs in the yard and decorate the sanctuary differently. All the Sunday School teachers could prepare a special Super Sunday lesson. The choir could enter with a fog machine going. The preacher could come to the pulpit with special entrance music. (Mine would be Also Sprach Zarathustra" Ric Flair's entrance music.) The congregation could do chants before the service.
     What do you think? Would you be all for it? Would you stay home that Sunday? Would you switch churches because that's not you? There is a better way to hype church that would make everybody happy. Just invite people to church. The preacher spends many hours working on his message even if he doesn't have theme music. The choir practices hard every week to lead in worship. There are people working hard behind the scenes every week doing the sound, video, unlocking and locking the church, cleaning the church, taking up offering, nursery workers, Children's Church workers, musicians, security, the accounting team and many more behind the scene workers. Every week the Sunday School teachers have a new lesson prepared. We shouldn't need hype to invite people to church. We have been called by Jesus to do that. (See the Great Commission!) We should love people to invite them to church. We should love God enough to invite people to His house. Enjoy the Super Bowl hype and invite people to church.

Parting Thought: I was told the church has to many committees. I should get a committee to look into that. 


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