
Showing posts from 2020

Chocolate Gravy & Bacon

     Every family has a family recipe that is passed down from generation to generation. Sometimes it is something that other families make but maybe in a different way. Sometimes it is something that other families wouldn't even eat. My family has one of those recipes. It is chocolate gravy. Over the years I have found very few other families that make chocolate gravy. I have found a few places that make chocolate gravy but it doesn't taste the same as my families. We either pour it over a biscuit or dip white bread in it. Some of us really get wild and add peanut butter in it to give it a different taste. My mom's chocolate gravy has gotten better over the years until it is as good as my grandmother's was.       There is another food that I really enjoy, bacon. It isn't a family recipe but I enjoy it like it is one. I have had bacon milkshakes, bacon gum, bacon flavored toothpicks, bacon cheeseburgers, bacon spread, bacon sundaes, bacon candy, bacon jelly, bacon c

Do you remember 2019?

      Do you remember the year 2019? Back in that time we hugged our friends and our family. We didn't know what social distancing was and we certainly didn't own a mask. We probably had to think what the CDC stood for and we had never been to their website. Churches had cover dish dinners. We shook hands and sit right next to each other. Stores were open normal hours and restaurants filled every seat. We went to movies and concerts. We went to Friday night football games at the high school and the band marched at halftime. Professional athletes reacted to actual crowds and not piped in crowd noise. Students went to school everyday and did social activities. People went on cruises and flew in airplanes. If you needed to go to the doctor or the ER, you just went. We wished the DMV would take appointments so we didn't have to spend hours in line. You could walk down any aisle you wanted at Walmart and you could sit down to eat at all the fast food places. There was parades an

Sock Problems

     I have a uncomfortable situation. My sock on my right foot will not stay up. I don't normally have this problem but today I do. I like normal socks, thick ones that go up your ankle but my wife likes what is called, "no show socks." She buys my socks so guess which ones I wear. Today I have on a pair of "no show socks". I have worn them several times and I have never had a problem with them staying on my feet but today my right sock keeps sliding down my foot. I have removed my shoe and pulled it back into place several times today.      It is amazing how much of my day has been dedicated to my sock. I put on my sock this morning. I pull it up. I took off my shoe and pulled it back up. I think about how to keep it up. I thought about using some T-rex tape to keep it up but I don't like pain. I figure it will be painful to take off the tape. So, I just keep pulling it up. What is a man supposed to do?      To many people my sock problem would seem very

These 4 walls

     Welcome to our new world. A world of no activities, no where to go eat, no where to go watch a movie, no sports to watch, no concerts, empty store shelves and no touching anyone. We live in a world of watching to see what event is cancelled or postponed next instead of the rushing to get to all the things on our calendars. We live in a world that makes you question if your outing is really needed before going out. We live in a world of fear, worry and wondering. It seems each new day brings us a new shutdown or a new ban. Every health organization in the world publishes a new guideline everyday. Almost every time you turn on the TV the President or the Governor is on giving an update or issuing something. How do you like this new world? I am not a fan. I know it is only temporary but I am already for it to be over.       My regular weekly schedule only left me at home one or two nights a week and now I find myself home seven nights a week. You can't watch TV because almost