Hopping Down Good Friday Memory Lane

I had an idea 23 Easters ago for an awesome Easter Basket for the love of my life. I sat down and made a list of items I needed for my totally awesome Easter Basket and I went shopping. Soon I realized my super totally awesome Easter Basket and my not so super not so awesome back account were not on the same page. I was frustrated but not giving up. I made some changes and purchased everything I needed. I had looked for the perfect Easter Basket. The one I had envisioned earlier was huge with lots of room for gifts inside. The one I purchased was deep which was important, but not very big around so it would quickly look full which was helpful. I bought several bags of Easter Basket Grass. I personally hate the stuff but it is a good filler and makes it easier to hide things. So I stuffed the basket full of the grass. I had purchased measured all of the stuff animals that I saw to make sure they would fit in my basket and take up most of the basket. So I had a bunny with a big bottom. I then added a chocolate Easter Bunny and some Winnie the Pooh stuff I found at the Disney Store. Then came the way super totally awesome part. I had a dozen plastic eggs. My first idea was to put earrings, necklaces and etc. in each egg but my bank account disagreed. So plan B was I filled 11 eggs with candy, chocolates, more Pooh stuff from the Disney Store and gum. I placed each egg around the big bottomed bunny. I had one more egg left. This egg was going to turn the basket into the way cool super totally awesome basket. In that egg I put a ring. Not just any ring but the ring that drained my bank account. I put the special egg under the big bottomed bunny and now I was ready to deliver my very way cool super totally awesome basket.
I waited to Good Friday because well, it seemed like a good day. (How many of you caught that???) I gave the love of my life, Lisa, the very way cool super totally unbelievable awesome basket. Everything went as planned. She looked at the stuff in the basket and seemed very pleased. I told her to open each egg and she did. Soon she had opened 11 eggs and was about to sit the basket down. I asked her if she had looked in all the eggs. She said she had. I got down on my knee and told her I thought there was one more. With that she began to search the basket and soon found the special egg. She picked it up and said she didn't think there was anything in it. I told her to be very careful opening it because it was small. She opened the egg very cautiously like it was going to explode. When she opened the egg she found that special ring. I took the ring out of the egg and placed it on the fourth finger of her left hand and asked the love of my life to be my wife. Here it is 23 Good Friday's later and I still have not got an answer. When she realized what was going on she immediately called her mom and then some friends. I assume since we will be celebrating 21 years of marriage this October she said yes and I am glad.
Every Good Friday I think back to that day and I thank God she said yes. But that is not the only "yes" I am thankful for. I am thankful for the day I said "yes". I was once asked a question that would change my life forever. One day when I was a young child living in Iron Station, North Carolina I was asked by God to accepted Him as my Lord and Savior. It was the best "yes" I ever said. On Easter as I remember what it took for Jesus to provide a way to for me to say "yes". It took His back being stripped. It took Him being nailed to the cross. It took Him giving up His life. It took Him being laid in a tomb. It took Him rising out of that tomb. It took Jesus becoming the ultimate sacrifice so that all I had to do was say "yes" to receive eternal life. It was by the blood He shed I can have my sins forgiven.
Have you said yes? Not yes to your spouse or soon to be spouse or you wish they were going to be your spouse but to Jesus. If not, make this Easter the best Easter ever and say yes to Jesus. After all, He said yes for you. He said yes I will die for your sins.

Parting Thought: Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution.


  1. I love your story it is very sweet; you and Lisa are a lovely couple. I am glad I said "Yes" to the Lord. And, as the song says. . ."He Is MY All In All"!!


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