You come out in a split second.

I just got back from visiting the hospital and on my way I swung through Popeye's from some chicken. I was traveling down the road smelling the chicken in seat beside me, texting my daughter and enjoying the beautiful day the Lord has made. Yes, I know, I shouldn't have gotten the chicken to go but I wanted to get back to the office to get started on some things. Oh, yea, I do not usually text my daughter during school but she was in need of some serious Daddy time. Besides, I was letting Siri doing they typing. I just hold the button down and wait for the phone to beep and then I tell it what to type. Now, my phone was definitely made by a person with Northern decent but that is another blog for another day. Back to today.
     I was enjoying the cool breeze blowing in the truck when a FedEx truck pulled closely in front of me. When I say close I mean close enough to scare the stinkbug that was sitting on his back bumper. He got so scared he flew all the way back to Caldwell County and didn't stop. I was checking out my review mirror while I was trying not to become his next delivery and I realized there was nobody behind me for a lllloooonnnnggg way. It would have been easier for him to slow down to merge behind me than it was to speed up and try to put my truck in his. So now I have this FedEx truck trying to kill my mood by almost taking off my front bumper. I guess he wanted to make sure he killed my good mood because when he got beside the Chick-a-fila where they are doing the remodeling he hit the breaks again. I want to go around this break happy UPS want to be but there are several cars passing me in the other lane. He then he floors it and I start to return to speed, pick up my phone to talk/text my next message to my daughter when BOOM! he hit his breaks again and slides into the entrance of the Chick-a-Fila.
     As I am avoiding Sir Breakalot, the cars in the other lane and the heavy machinery sitting on the side of the road I realize I had already pushed the button to record my every word. That would be my every word in my moment of quick anger, fear, uncertainty and excitement. My mind was full of names to call him. My mouth could barley contain the places I wanted to tell him to go and the things I wanted him to do on the way there. I knew I could erase whatever I said from the phone but God was telling me I could not erase it from my heart. That once I said whatever I decided to say it would be out there. I could be forgiven but the worlds I said and the effect the words have on who ever heard them would still be out there. Then the unthinkable happened. From the corner of my eye I saw it. As I was coming to a quick halt in slow motion I saw my large ice tea begin to rock back and forth. Then before I could say, "Old MacDonald had a farm" the cup rocked out of the cup holder and turned upside down in the floorboard on the passenger side. I quickly turned my attention back to Mr. Ihavenoideahowtodrive. Who I guess had not given me enough excitement so he had completely stopped with almost half of his truck still in the road. I took one quick glance and saw a small opening in front of a car in the next lane so I swerved as hard as I could into the next lane and watched that car come flying up on me at a great level of speed. As soon as I got past the Fedup truck I swerved back into my original lane just in time for Mrs. Iamtoocooltoslowdown went speeding by me.
     Now I am not thinking about what is about to come out of my mouth. I look back at the unskilled drive and before I knew it I had done uttered my words. There was not taking them back. I looked down at my phone and yes they were recorded. I read them as plan as day, "Have a nice day sir." Sometimes when you just speak your heart and do not think the truth will come out. What you have been filling your heart with will determine what the truth will be. Take time to fill your heart with God, so that The Truth will come out.

Parting Thought: Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution.


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