To boycott, buycott or nothingcott? That is the question of the day.

Let's start this blog with a quick Economics lesson. I promise it will be a short one because even though I have taken some Economics classes I don't claim to be an expert so it will not take me long to tell you all I know. As a consumer you have a choice on where to spend your money. See, I told you it wouldn't be long. Now for an Accounting lesson. I took some Accounting classes too but still no expert so another short lesson. When you spend your money on a product, at a store, or on a company they make money. The more you spend the more profit they make. Wow, really strained the brain on that one. Ok, let's finish this educational section with a Business Administration lesson. You know the drill by now, it will be short and sweet. A parent company may own several smaller companies so when you spend your dollar at one of their smaller companies you are at the same time spending your dollars at the parent company. For example, I bet if I asked you if you have ever bought something from Yum! Brands you would say no. If we were eating at Taco Bell, Pizza Hut or KFC at the time I would have to laugh since all three are owned by Yum! Brands. So if you have purchased food from these restaurants then you have put money in the pockets of Yum! Brands. Ok, enough education. My head hurts.

Now even though I called the first paragraph an education it really wasn't. I didn't give you any information you didn't already know, but I did help you get it from the back burner to the front burner so you can use this information. We live in dollar driven society today. Everything is about the mighty dollar. Most companies truly don't care about an issue but will choose a side because they see dollars signs. Some will choose a side because they fear losing dollar signs on the other side. Again, this is most companies. There are some who chose their side because of the faith, beliefs, passions, and convictions of the owners and/or controlling boards but those companies are few and farther between then you and I believe. Consumers are the same way. Some spend their dollars based on their faith, beliefs, passions and convictions while others spend it based on their needs, wants, desires and conveniences. Many companies and consumers talk the talk about siding on issues but not many of them walk the walk. You know like the guy who has the "Buy American" bumper sticker sponsored by the American Textile Industry on the foreign made car. Or like a survey I heard some guys on the radio talking about. The survey showed that nearly 80% believed you should by American products but over 40% admitted they didn't if the American products cost more. We don't always put our dollars where our mouth is.

Which brings us to the question of today, to boycott, buycott, or nothingcott? We have become a boycott society. If your business doesn't do what I want or believe the way I do then I will boycott it. It seems everyday my Facebook page and my inbox is filled with a different group asking or sometimes demanding I boycott this company or that company. If I believe this I shouldn't buy this. If I stand for that I shouldn't shop there. I should support this company with my dollars because they believe this. Over the past few weeks I have saw somethings that made me put my thinking cap on concerning all of these boycotts and buycotts. I had to dust it off and it was a little snug but it still fit. I hope you got yours on so you can think with me.

Am I an informed enough consumer to successfully boycott a company. Many groups have called for a boycott of Disney because of their support of the LGBT and it's ventures. So that means all I have to do to boycott Disney is not visit the Disney theme parks and not watch Disney movies right? Wrong! Have you watched ESPN, ABC, Lifetime, A & E, or the History Channel lately? What about the FYI Network or the Crime & Investigation Network? Do you subscribe to Hulu? Ever watch anything on the Discover Channel or the new Free Form Channel? Has you kids watched a Pixar movie lately? Or have you seen Touchstone's lasted movie? Is your favorite superhero a Marvel hero? If you answered yes to any of these you are not boycotting Disney. And this list was a short list.

Am I an informed enough supporter/nonsupporter to successfully boycott over an issue. Right now many people are calling for a boycott of Target because of their "Free to Pee" policy. (That's my name for the policy, not theirs.) If I feel that strongly about boycotting over that issue then I need to add Ford, Chrysler, Toyota, Kraft, Coke, Pepsi, Kellogg (the maker of most tasteful Maple Bacon Poptart), Yahoo, Google, Apple, Facebook (which many of you are reading this on), Campbell's, Bank of America and Capital One to the list. That again is not a complete list but a large enough list to let you know Target is not alone in their "Free to Pee" policy.

Am I an informed enough consumer to buycott a company? It seems like only yesterday many groups
were calling for a boycott of the meanies at Walmart for their treatment of employees, the way the move into an area and cause many small stores to close and for not having enough cashiers. Now we are being encouraged to buycott them. Which means we are encouraged to shop there by groups so that we avoid shopping at the places they are wanting us to boycott. So does Walmart get forgiven for being on the wrong side of one issue by being on the right side of another issue? What if they are on opposing sides with me on other issues? How can I boycott and buycott the same company? Do I boycott them Monday-Wednesday and buycott the rest of the week?

So what is the answer to today's question? To boycott, buycott or nothingcott? Seriously, what is the answer? I don't know. In a world that is becoming more and more sinful how do I know who to support? If I boycott every company or product that in some way supports something sinful I am left shopping at the local dumpster. Companies are like individuals, they have sinful ways. So what do we do? We want to take a stand and money speaks loudly. There has to be a solution. Is it supporting the lesser of the evils like we do at election time?

I will tell you my solution and I encourage you to consider it. It starts with prayer. Why prayer?
                 Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Phil 4:6-7 (HCSB)
Spending our money has become as much a political issue as a financial issue. In some cases it is even becoming a spiritual issue so seek God's leadership. Do as much research on the company as you do the product and allow God to lead your wallet as well as your heart. After all it's God's money anyway, why not let Him tell you where to spend it?

Parting Thought: Want a good investment tip? Invest your money and time into your church. The return is short term, long term and eternal term.


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