I took a vacation, and I liked it.

     Sometimes you just need to get away. Get away from the stress and worries of the world. So you take a vacation. You know nothing fixes your worries about not having time to do all you need to do or the worry about paying for everything you need to pay for like taking a week off from doing anything but spending money. It is great! Seriously though, we do need vacations or staycations or just time away from everything. Just like our cell phones our batteries need recharging every so often. This is what vacation does for us. My family needed some battery charging.
     So we took a vacation. We left on Friday afternoon and headed to Oak Island, NC, home of nothing. Just the way we like it. We began our vacation with our Friday evening Oak Island tradition with a meal at the Oak Island Restaurant for the Friday Flounder Special. Then we spent the next two days baking on the beach. Something different happened this year, I didn't get sunburned. Unless your bald or fair skinned you may not understand my joy. Last year I left the beach with 85 degree burns on legs. I didn't peel, my skin melted off. The sunscreen I used this year was a little different. It was sticky. It formed a layer of glue on my skin that sand loved to stick to. It stuck so good that it was almost impossible to scrub off. I didn't complain though because I didn't get burnt.
     On Monday we took a little trip to Myrtle Beach to do something. I am not sure to do what but it seemed my wife and daughter felt like we went to shop. We went from outlets to malls to shopping
centers to more outlets to more stores to I don't know where. Everywhere we went someone was trying to get you to buy something. We did make one stop I did enjoy, the Giant Crab Buffet. I was ready for it too. We didn't go until 2:30 (because that was when our coupon was good) so I was starved. I was a little disappointed though. After 6lbs of crab legs, 2 prime ribs, 1 T-Bone, 1 sirloin, some clam strips, some BBQ beef tips, ribs, calamari and an ear of corn the food just didn't taste as good. Maybe I shouldn't have ate the corn. I was proud of Abby, she knocked out 3 lbs. of crab legs. But before my food had time to digest we were off to shop some more.
     We made a quick trip home to unload, repack, grab a friend of Abby's and headed to Pigeon Forge. That is my vacation place but somehow we still managed to shop. We spent a time at Dollywood. After all my trips there I finally got to try one of Miss Lillian's turkey legs. It was awesome but would have been better wrapped in bacon. Miss Lillian turned out to be a pretty funny
lady who sings songs about chickens. At one of the shows we were able to met a performer from Caldwell County. He was great and so was the show.
     We made our way home unloaded and fell into bed exhausted from out restful vacation. We slept in on Saturday and went to eat with family Saturday night. Vacation was fun. We relaxed, we talked, we laughed, we spent time together and we recharged our batteries. They may not have felt so recharged this morning when the alarm went off but they are. The trouble is we cannot take off every time our batteries get low. We have obligations to work, family, church and other things that keep us from being able to run away. Even if we find the time it doesn't mean we can always afford a week of shopping. So what are we to do? We can't go around with our batteries on the decline about to die. We will eventually be run down and useless. Lucky, Jesus had another plan for getting our batteries charged.
                      Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matt 11:28 (KJV)

     The Greek word for labour means to work until exhausted or to be exhausted from burdens. That is what we are most of the time. As we labor through this thing called life we become weary. The burdens we bear wear us down and we seek rest. We can't always take a trip to the beach or to the mountains but we can always take a trip to an alter or to our private prayer place. There we can give Jesus the burdens that weigh us down, no matter how big or little they are He can take them off your shoulders. That doesn't mean He will take them out of your life but it does mean He will give you the strength and rest needed to bare them. So when your battery is drained and you need a charging remember you don't have to take a vacation. You can spend time with Jesus. Vacations are good for physical rest and some mental rest but the rest Jesus gives you helps your spiritual body, mental body and physical body. So if your tired and weary don't keep dragging, let Jesus give you rest.

Parting Thought: Forbidden fruit makes a lot of jams.


  1. I'm glad you got recharged. . .no wonder your last couple of sermons were so good!


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