Was Trump God's man?

      I am celebrating today. Not because of who won the election but that the end of the election and political commentary is in sight. The news networks will spend a week or so analyzing how Trump won and why Clinton lost. They will try to tell you they saw it coming even if they had no clue. You know, the same way a weatherman tells you that he knew it wasn't going to snow even though he predicted a foot of snow. There will be a few more speeches from all candidates and standard plea for unity. Then one of the news networks will decide to get a jump on the others and start trying to predict who will run in 2020.
     As I look back on the election I learned a few things. There a lot of passionate Americans that
hold certain issues close to their heart. I also learned there are a lot of uninformed Americans that will believe any "news source" that says something they like. Unfortunately, a lot of times the passionate Americans and the uniformed Americans are one in the same. Don't get me wrong. You quickly learn who the National Enquire readers and the "if it is on social media it has to be true" people are and who the ones that actually researched issues, candidates and new stories are. I enjoyed reading the post and hearing the opinions of those who were informed even if it was different than my opinion. I found the ones that believed everything that was written or said to be quite comical at times. For instance, I didn't know Hillary was actually an alien from another planet and shouldn't be allowed to run for office. I also didn't know that Trump was only running for president so he could sale America to his investors and they could run America like a homeowners association does a gated community.
     So now it is over and we now know who the next President of the United States will be. That brings me to a question. Did we get it right? Did we vote for the person who would be the best president or did we vote for which Saturday Night Live character we enjoyed the most? Did we vote for the one who will lead America to be united and able to stand tall in the coming  years or did make our choice based on which list of celebrities will be leaving if their candidate didn't win? I propose a different view on the outcome of each of the elections. I propose that we voted for the one that God wanted in office. Before you have a heart attack and start calling me names read on.
     I think we need to look at the big picture here. We are living in a time where every elected official in every office in every country has a opportunity to help usher in the end of times. No, I am not saying Trump is the anti-Christ just like I didn't think Obama or Clinton are either. I do think that each president elected will help pave the way for him. I do think that each elected, inherited, and newly crown after an overthrowing official in every country has that opportunity too. Besides, we need to remember what the Bible says about people placed in authority.
                                     Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.
Romans 13:1-2 (ESV)
     So who ever was elected was put in place by God. Does that make Trump a Godly man? No. Was Pharaoh a Godly man? No, if he was he would of let God's people go. Was King Herod a Godly man? No way. Were both Pharaoh and King Herod used by God? Yes. Does God have a reason for Trump being president? He must, He allowed it to happen. Is God greater than any elected official? Yes. Is God more powerful than a nation of people with pens in hand standing in a voter's booth? Yes. Do I feel God led Christians to vote for Clinton and other Christians to vote for Trump?
Yes. Why? That I can't tell you because I am not God. I just know that God is in control and has never taken a day off.
     Where do we go from here? There are some informed passionate voters that feel let down and outraged their candidates didn't win. There are some who are just mad because they can't understand how anyone could vote for the other side. There are those who don't know how to win gracefully. There are those who are just scared. I think all people need to read more scriptures.
                                    First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2  for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 3 This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6  who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time.
1 Tim 2:1-6 (ESV)
      Christians, it is time we put aside the election. It is over. It is time that we got back to serving the true leader, the true King and the true Lord, Jesus. It is time we get back to loving one another as Christ has loved us. It is time we remember that they will know we are Christians by our love. It is time to remember we are called Christians, or little Christ, because we are to be a reflection of Him. Satan has used the election long enough to divide God's people, God's churches and God's families. It is time to put God back to the center of our lives and number one on our list of priorities. It is time both sides of the election got together to eat bacon, pray, and show love toward one anther. We are not accountable for the actions of our elected officials no more than we are for the actions of our neighbors. We are however accountable for our actions, attitudes and lack of doing what God has asked. We have been asked to pray for those in authority so will you join me in prayer for them?

Parting Thought: This blog was not approved by any political party or candidate because I am not running for any office especially after losing that nasty 6th grade class vice presidential election.


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