Art & Herald, angels that sing. . .

     Around 2000 years ago, give or take a hundred years, there were two angels hanging out after angel choir practice. Art & Herald were angles that sang in the glory section of the choir. The choir had been practicing for many years to get ready for their most important concert ever. Nobody knew when or where this concert was to be held but they knew they would be announcing the birth of the new born king. Not just any king but the Son of God. Art and Herald were excited because they heard rumors that it was about time for the concert.
     Gabriel had been sent to deliver an important message on earth. He mentioned to some other angels before he left that he was headed to Nazareth to talk to a young virgin. All the angels knew
that Jesus was to be born of a virgin so everyone was excited. That was what Art and Herald was talking about. They knew the final tryouts for the angel choir would be soon. They were discussing the songs and going over the different parts. Each wondering if they would get the solo part. Soon their excitement turned to worry because their best friend Oscar walked up.
     Now Art and Herald were among the best singers in the angel choir. Some even said they were the best. Their friend, Oscar, was not among the best singers in the angel choir. In fact, most said he was the worst. Nobody wanted to sing more than Oscar and nobody practiced more than Oscar but everybody sang better. Art and Herald knew that Oscar would be excited about the news but they also that knew he would be crushed if he didn't make it. So they didn't know what to say to him.
    The first words out of Oscar's mouth was about the try outs. The dates and songs had been posted and it was only a few weeks away. Art and Herald hardly got a word in because Oscar kept talking about the try outs. When he finally took a breath Art and Herald agreed to help him practice to get ready for the tryouts. Oscar was even more excited. So they set up the rehearsals.
     Art sang very deep, Herald sang very high and Oscar sang everywhere in between. The trouble was you never knew where he was singing. There would be a few words very deep then mid word his voice would change and the next few words would be very high. Then he would sing high and low for a while. His voice screeched, cracked and popped so bad most people covered their ears when he sang. Art and Herald knew the task before them was a hard one but they were ready and over the next few weeks they practice with Oscar day and night. Art tried to teach Oscar the low notes and Herald tried to teach him the high notes. They both tried to teach him the notes in the middle. Oscar worked hard. He even practiced on his own.
     The day of tryouts arrived. Art was first to sing and he sounded awesome. He brought tears to everyone's eyes. Herald was next and he sounded wonderful. He gave everyone goosebumps. The last angel to try out was Oscar. Oscar took a deep breath and sang like he had never sang before. People were so surprised they had to look twice to see that it was Oscar singing. Oscar smiled as he sang because he had never sounded this good. All the angels clapped for Oscar when he finished. Oscar couldn't wait for the results to be posted. He didn't sleep a wink and grabbed Art and Herald early the next morning to go see the results. As they got close they could see the list. As they got closer all three angels could feel their hearts beating out of their chest. Their hands were sweaty as they reached up to read the list. Can you guess who made the choir?
    Art and Herald did. Remember they were the angels that could sing. Oscar was the one that couldn't sing so he didn't make it. So why would I tell you this story? It is Christmas and everybody wants a Christmas miracle like Oscar making the choir. All of the movies and shows on TV have happy endings and snow on Christmas. The Grinches and Scrooges have their hearts melt and they begin to spread Christmas joy. People get healed and marriages heal. Kids get the BB guns they want and the mean boss admits the jelly of the month club wasn't the best Christmas bonus. Families who forgot their kid at home make it back home so they can spend Christmas together. It is all happy but not real.
     If you put your happiness in relationships, material things, gifts, snow, people, events, decorations, and anything of this world you will never have a Merry Christmas. Gifts break, people don't change because it is Christmas and life happens even on December 25th. Go to hospitals, a Hospice center
and funeral homes on Christmas and you will see that life doesn't stop because it is Christmas. So how do you have a merry Christmas? You put your joy in the original Christmas gift, Jesus. No matter what's under your tree or in your stocking you can have joy when your joy comes from the Lord. So this Christmas I don't want to wish you a Merry Christmas I want to tell you have to have a Merry Christmas. Put your faith in Jesus because He always delivers joy even when the mailman is late.

Parting Thought: Why can people can believe in a man in a red suit, reindeer, elves and talking snowmen but not a baby born in a manager?


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