
Showing posts from January, 2017

I am organizing a protest, who is in?

       I have never been one who keeps up with the latest trends and I am definitely not a trendsetter. For one reason, most trends are expensive so I usually wait for them to come down in price. I think it is cheaper to hold on to what you have and wait for it to become trendy or cool again. That reminds me, does anyone know when men's blue jean jackets will be cool again? I love mine but my wife and daughter will not let me wear it in public. The only trend that I think I was in on from the beginning was the bacon trend. I was eating bacon by the pound when bacon was the "unhealthy breakfast food" that nobody wanted to admit they liked. I was putting bacon in just about everything I cooked long before bacon become cool. Other than that I have been behind times when it comes to trends. I am serious about the blue jean jacket thing though. As soon as it is cool again let me know.      The big trend for 2016 wasn't a fashion design, a slang word or phrase (my daughter

Can everyone of my Facebook friends send me a dollar a month?

     Friends, I have found my ticket to financial success. The best part is all of my Facebook friends and family get to be a part of this success. I know you all want to help and will be blessed for doing so. It is quick and very simple. Everybody can do it. It will take very little effort on everybody's part and the cost is so low you will not miss it. After it is all over we can celebrate my financial freedom together.      Here is how it works. At this moment I have 1638 friends on Facebook. I know some of them are businesses, old accounts and some robots but let's say 1500 of them are real live people who are obliviously my friends because Facebook says we are. If each of them would send me $1 a month I could earn an extra $1500 a month. That is $18,000 extra a year. That is great but it gets better. If only 1000 of my close Facebook friends will send me $5 a month then I would earn $5000 extra a month and that comes to $60,000 a year that I would earn. I know what you

If everybody is living in their own world, who is living in reality?

       So this morning I was doing some visiting and I was heading to a rather large intersection. I passed a mini van that was slowing down but had no signal on but I still assumed it was turning into the parking lot on its right. After I passed the van it made a hard left turn to get into my lane. The trouble was there was not enough room for the van to get all the way into the lane. So she was blocking the other lane which the other driver's did not like at all. I glanced in my rearview mirror and saw the driver of the van. She was a 20 something young lady who was getting her groove on. I laughed out loud as I watched her. She was leaning over into the passenger side of the van having the time of her life raising her hands in the air like she just didn't care. She was doing a combination of the "whip and nana" and the YMCA. I thought at that moment she was in a world all to herself. The light changed and we were off. Her dancing didn't stop. She was still rais