Can everyone of my Facebook friends send me a dollar a month?

     Friends, I have found my ticket to financial success. The best part is all of my Facebook friends and family get to be a part of this success. I know you all want to help and will be blessed for doing so. It is quick and very simple. Everybody can do it. It will take very little effort on everybody's part and the cost is so low you will not miss it. After it is all over we can celebrate my financial freedom together.
     Here is how it works. At this moment I have 1638 friends on Facebook. I know some of them are
businesses, old accounts and some robots but let's say 1500 of them are real live people who are obliviously my friends because Facebook says we are. If each of them would send me $1 a month I could earn an extra $1500 a month. That is $18,000 extra a year. That is great but it gets better. If only 1000 of my close Facebook friends will send me $5 a month then I would earn $5000 extra a month and that comes to $60,000 a year that I would earn. I know what you are thinking, "Man, you have ate some raw bacon or something because your out of your mind." So here is a realistic plan. If half of my 1638 friends will send me $10 a month I could earn $8,190 a month and my yearly earnings would be $98,280. All I ask is for a 3 year commitment. This would bring my earnings to $294,840.
     Now I know what you are wondering, "What would he do with the money he earned?" The options are limitless. I promise my earnings will be use wisely. My family has talked about taking a short term mission trip to Disney or Hawaii. These earnings could go toward that trip(s). While on this trip I will wear one of my Christian T-shirts to help spread the gospel to all who see my shirt. All who see us eat at restaurants will have the opportunity to see us pray as we bless our meals. I will hold my own personal Bible Study each morning on my balcony. I feel God will richly bless these mission trips and you will be blessed knowing you had a part in it.
     There is something else that has been on my heart for many years. These earnings could make this
My custom built 2017 Corvette
burden be lifted. As I have thought and pondered on more efficient ways of visiting the hospitals and nursing homes I have found my vehicle to not be the most efficient. I have researched and discovered that a 2017 Corvette Z06 Convertible 2L RWD is the most efficient car for this purpose. To show you how serious I am I custom built one. It comes in at $88,605 before taxes. It could take a whole years earnings to purchase this but I am willing to make that sacrifice. After all if 819 of my closest friends are willing to send me $10 a month for 3 years the least I can do with my earnings is to purchase something that will enhance my ministry.
     So who is ready to sign up? Anybody? I can here the crickets now. Of course nobody is going to sign up for the unrealistic get rich quick plan. It only benefits me. My plans for the money are not inspiring world changing plans either. I am sure some of you were offended by me calling it my "earnings" too. What did I do to earn it? Nothing. My plan to financial freedom is basically a scam. My plans for the money are selfish. What kind of person would seriously ask for something like that?
     Before you answer that, before you judge and before you point fingers let's think about something that is just as big of a scam and just as selfish. Have your prayed, "Lord, open your word to me and give me a greater understanding of what it teaches?" or something similar? Did you open your Bible and read it after praying that? What about, "Lord, let others see You in me." What did you do next? Put on your Christian t-shirt? Then there is the, "Lord, please remove that which is harmful in my life." That prayer is usually followed by a time of justification. You know, you justifying why certain things should still remain in your life. We pray for things almost every prayer (Lord, save souls; bring the lost to church) but just like my money scam we wait for somebody else to do all the work and to make the effort. When Jesus told us to pray that the Lord of the harvest would send workers into the fields He was meaning that we should pray that He would send us not others. Yes, Jesus said ask and you shall receive. He also said, we ask and receive not because we ask our of our own lusts. Remember how offended some of you got when I called the money my "earnings"? Just think how offended God gets when we call Him Lord but we don't surrender to Him.
     I think most of my 1638 Facebook friends would tell me if I want trips and if I want an expensive car I need to save my money, get extra jobs, and to find ways to really earn them. In other words, they would be telling me to put feet to my desires. God is telling us the same thing. If we want to see people saved then put some feet to it. Tell others about Christ. Live a life that points to Christ. If we want to understand His word more we need to actually read it, study it, learn it and react to what it says.

Parting Thought: Don't pray for something you are not willing to work for because God is a equipper not a gift shop.


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