If everybody is living in their own world, who is living in reality?

       So this morning I was doing some visiting and I was heading to a rather large intersection. I passed a mini van that was slowing down but had no signal on but I still assumed it was turning into the parking lot on its right. After I passed the van it made a hard left turn to get into my lane. The trouble was there was not enough room for the van to get all the way into the lane. So she was blocking the other lane which the other driver's did not like at all. I glanced in my rearview mirror and saw the driver of the van. She was a 20 something young lady who was getting her groove on. I laughed out loud as I watched her. She was leaning over into the passenger side of the van having the time of her life raising her hands in the air like she just didn't care. She was doing a combination of the "whip and nana" and the YMCA. I thought at that moment she was in a world all to herself. The light changed and we were off. Her dancing didn't stop. She was still raising the roof and letting the dogs out as I made my turn. Her world seemed to be fun.
     This afternoon as I saw somebody dancing in their car on TV and it reminded me of the American
Bandstand dancer in the minivan which caused me to chuckle. I thought back over the last couple weeks and I could remember seeing a lots of people who were in their own world. I was at an intersection downtown Lenoir. As I pulled up to the intersection I noticed an older lady standing on the corner talking on her cell phone. I figured she was waiting for me to stop so she could cross so I stopped early to give her the go ahead. She looked at me and kept talking on the phone but never crossed the road. My light turned green and I started to move when she stepped right in front of me. I hit my brakes to keep from running her over. She never stopped talking on the cell phone but she did stop walking right in front of me as she excitedly spoke into her phone. She finally made her way across the road and I barely made it through the intersection before the light turned red again. The poor fellow behind me didn't make the light. I don't think he liked the world she was living in because it crashed into his world.
     To be fair it isn't just females that live in their own world. I recently had to inform a company that I was very unsatisfied with their service and that I would not be purchasing from their company ever again. I explained why and told them I would not be using the coupon they sent me. It took over a week to get an email back and the guy gave me their "overwhelmed" excuse. Then he asked how I liked the product. I told him I liked the product but didn't like their service and again I stated I would not be buying any more of their products. I received another email which thanked me for being a "lifelong loyal customer". Really? What part of never didn't he understand? I guess in his world never isn't a very long time.
     So with all these people living in their own worlds who is left in reality? Before you raise your hand take a minute to see where you really live. I first thought I lived in reality but after some reflection I don't think I live in reality. I live in a world that I think temperatures should never go above 65 and that all music should have screaming electric guitar and drum solos. I live in a world that thinks the four food groups are bacon, hot wings, meat and hot sauce. In my world all TVs are huge and videogames come standard. I like my world but not everybody else does. They like their world. Some people live in a world that thinks turkey bacon taste like real bacon. They live in a horrible, horrible world.
     We all live in our nonrealistic world. We think we don't have the time to be a part of a ministry at church because we are "too busy". We think we can't drop money in the offering plate because "money is tight." We can't tell our neighbor about Jesus because it would make things "awkward between us." We think we can't study our Bible because "we can't find the time." Or we can stay home from church and worship God "just as good as at church." I could go on and on and on about our unrealistic world we live in but I think you got the point.
     So who lives in reality? God does. We can tell anyone, even the preacher, our excuses for not being more faithful to God and because they only see the outside they have no choice but to believe us even if they think otherwise. God on the other hand can see into our hearts and minds. He knows that deep down we could be a part of a ministry at church and that we have plenty of time to study His Word. He knows how much we can really drop in the plate. There are not excuses with God. God
knows our real reasons for not being faithful to Him. So we all need to move into God's reality. There we can allow God to crush our excuses just like He did the excuses Moses tried to use. There He can replace our excuses of why we can't with reasons why we can. Are you ready to move into reality?

Parting Thought: My friend had to quit his job at the muffler shop. He said it was too exhausting.


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