I have been worried sick.

Ok, a few years ago I got an email telling how a relative of mine remembered meeting me over 50 years ago, an age which I still haven't reached yet. They were so impressed with me that they made me their beneficiary to their fortunes. This relative and all of their family were sadly killed in an automobile crash. Their lawyer, who wanted to be my friend, was contacting to me let me know the sad news about my relative and to also inform me of my 5 million dollar inheritance. He said he had searched far and wide for me. I guess my relative lost my contact information sometime during the last 50 years. He was overjoyed that he had found me and wanted me to send him my banking information and social security number so that he could transfer my money to me. All he asked in return was for his expenses to find me and to send the money. So his fee was just over $100,000.00. I guess I was hard to find. I never got my 5 million because I accidently deleted t...