
Showing posts from February, 2017

I have been worried sick.

     Ok, a few years ago I got an email telling how a relative of mine remembered meeting  me over 50 years ago, an age which I still haven't reached yet. They were so impressed with me that they made me their beneficiary to their fortunes. This relative and all of their family were sadly killed in an automobile crash. Their lawyer, who wanted to be my friend, was contacting to me let me know the sad news about my relative and to also inform me of my 5 million dollar inheritance. He said he had searched far and wide for me. I guess my relative lost my contact information sometime during the last 50 years. He was overjoyed that he had found me and wanted me to send him my banking information and social security number so that he could transfer my money to me. All he asked in return was for his expenses to find me and to send the money. So his fee was just over $100,000.00. I guess I was hard to find. I never got my 5 million because I accidently deleted the email without getting

If I was a law maker ...

      I love those list of odd or off beat laws that are or were at one time on the law books. Almost every time I see those list I find some I didn't know or haven't heard before. That keeps me digging to find more. I used to subscribe to an email that sent me one every day. It was a great way to start the morning but like all good free things after so long they wanted me to pay for that daily tidbit so I had to unsubscribe. I do miss it though and few days ago I heard a radio DJ talking about funny laws so my desire to find more finally got the best of me. I went funny law hunting and here is some of what I found on In Alabama you may not have an ice cream cone in your back pocket. I was in Alabama once and I had ice cream but I finished it all so I didn't have to carry it in my back pocket. In Chicago you are not allowed to eat in a place that is on fire. Hmmm, can you get your food to go? In Louisiana spectators at a boxing match may not mock one o

Ever break a rule?

     I take my daughter to school most mornings and I pick her up most afternoons. During my morning drive around the parking lot at the school I notice that not everyone follows the traffic route the school has established. For the safety of the students that drive the school puts up a roadblock to prevent traffic from traveling directly to the drop off zone. This prevents two way traffic for the students to cross after parking. Instead of driving directly to the drop off zone you are supposed to travel up the first line of the parking lot and all away around the parking lot so that you come down to the school down the last row of the parking lot. You then head to the drop off zone. This longer path helps keep traffic moving and also puts the passenger side door facing the school so the students can get out without having to cross any traffic. It seems that this long pattern is inconvenient for many people dropping students off. They by pass the road block creating two way traffic or