If I was a law maker ...

      I love those list of odd or off beat laws that are or were at one time on the law books. Almost every time I see those list I find some I didn't know or haven't heard before. That keeps me digging to find more. I used to subscribe to an email that sent me one every day. It was a great way to start the morning but like all good free things after so long they wanted me to pay for that daily tidbit so I had to unsubscribe. I do miss it though and few days ago I heard a radio DJ talking about funny laws so my desire to find more finally got the best of me. I went funny law hunting and here is some of what I found on dumblaws.com

In Alabama you may not have an ice cream cone in your back pocket. I was in Alabama once and I
had ice cream but I finished it all so I didn't have to carry it in my back pocket.

In Chicago you are not allowed to eat in a place that is on fire. Hmmm, can you get your food to go?

In Louisiana spectators at a boxing match may not mock one of the contestants. I would not recommend this from the front row of any state.

In Maine you will be fined if you have your Christmas up after January 14th. That isn't a bad idea.

In Nebraska it is illegal to go whale fishing. Just how deep are those lakes?

In New York it is illegal to throw a ball at a person's head for fun. "But Officer, I didn't enjoy it!"

In Norfolk, it is illegal to spit on a sea gull. That isn't polite.

In West Virginia a person may not hold public office if they participated in a duel. Especially, those that lost.

And from my home state of North Carolina, it is illegal to use elephants to plow cotton field. So, I have to use my pet elephants to plow my corn field?

     I have found out that not all of these dumb laws are always true and sometimes they are not laws that are on the law books but "laws" based on court rulings. For instance, on many of those lists I have saw that it is illegal to sing off key in North Carolina. So every Sunday, I look for the police to come and get me. But according to "Our State" magazine that law was never actually on the books. However in 1873, a Methodist church took a guy to court for his off key singing that was causing problems for the church. It went all the way to the State Supreme Court who finally ruled in favor of the poor guy.

     I got to wondering. If I was a law maker what laws would I make and would people consider them dumb? Here is a few I thought about.

Bacon can only be produced from a pig and is required to be eaten at every meal.

Women who talk, vacuum, bang pots or make any other noise during football games shall lose their shopping privileges for 90 days.

Drivers that drive 10 miles under the speed limit and refuse to pull over to allow the line of traffic to pass them may be spun out and put into a ditch.

Christmas decorations, music, sales, shows and etc. may not begin before December 1 and must end before December 31.

All people must attend church and become Christians.

     Now that last one I know would not pass in any state or town. I don't even think it would pass in most churches. That's ok though because that was my idea to make it a law not God. God could of made us to where we had to believe in Him to live or to eat but He didn't. God could of created the world so that at a certain age we had to accept Him or we couldn't become a citizen or we would be considered an outcast but He didn't. Instead the God of love gave us a choice. We could ignore Him or we could follow His example and love. Love Him, love each other and love our selves. Our service, following, works and commitment to Him comes from our love for Him not our of duty or requirement. We express our love to Him by the things we do for Him, the time we spend with Him and by how strong our commitment is to Him. Just like it with others it isn't our words that show our love but our actions. The trouble is that we are very focused on letting everybody else know we love them we forget God who should be first. If your loved ones were as committed to you as you are to God how would you feel? Loved? Cheated? Disappointed? Hurt? If you don't like your answer then change. Nothing is worse than to know you have a problem but refuse to address it. If your commitment to God doesn't scream, "I love God" then your commitment needs to change. Jesus took His commitment to you to the cross. Where have you taken your commitment to Him?

Parting Thought: I can't wait to tell my doctor I have finished my 30 day diet. She will be very impressed because it only took me 3 hours and 12 minutes.


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