I have been worried sick.

     Ok, a few years ago I got an email telling how a relative of mine remembered meeting  me over 50 years ago, an age which I still haven't reached yet. They were so impressed with me that they made me their beneficiary to their fortunes. This relative and all of their family were sadly killed in an automobile crash. Their lawyer, who wanted to be my friend, was contacting to me let me know the sad news about my relative and to also inform me of my 5 million dollar inheritance. He said he had searched far and wide for me. I guess my relative lost my contact information sometime during the last 50 years. He was overjoyed that he had found me and wanted me to send him my banking information and social security number so that he could transfer my money to me. All he asked in return was for his expenses to find me and to send the money. So his fee was just over $100,000.00. I
guess I was hard to find. I never got my 5 million because I accidently deleted the email without getting my new lawyer friend's contact information. I have often wondered what happened to my millions. I have also wondered if my lawyer friend had ever taken his expenses out of my millions. I hope so I would hate for him to be without that $100,000 he spent trying to find me.
     You can imagine my relief the other day when I got another email about my money. It has grown to $5.5 million so I was glad to hear that update. That was the only good news though. Apparently this lawyer had deposited my money in the Bank Negara in New York. I had never heard of that bank but I looked it up on the internet. Wikipedia says it is a bank in Malaysia. I guess they have a branch in New York because they are an international bank. I even found them on Facebook. They handled large deposits by foreign investors. So it makes sense they would be handling my money.
     The bank is not my trouble though, a guy named Dr. Nelson Paul Ndove is my problem. I couldn't find him anywhere to find out who he is though. I found a lot of doctors named Nelson Paul but none had Ndove for a last name. I wonder if Ndove is code for something? Anyway this mean man has filled out paper work saying he is my representative. He claims I want him to handle my money and that I instructed him to deposit it into his bank, Bank of America in St. Petersburg, California. This must be a new branch because they don't have a mailbox yet. The address of the bank is a post office box. They also listed two numbers I could call but the internet hasn't found out this new branch
of Bank of America has those numbers yet. They have one tied to a prepaid gift card company and another was tied to scammers who used to call people trying to get the to send them money.
     So I am worried sick about how to get my money. I can't drive to the Bank Negara in New York or to the Bank of America in St. Petersburg, California. Heck, I can't even get Google maps to find St. Petersburg California. I have to figure something out quick. I only have 7 days to stop Dr. Nelson Paul Ndove and if I don't he will have all my millions. I don't want him to have my money because my relative wanted me to have it.
     My only option at this point is my lawyer friend. He said he may can help me out fast enough if I send him some information. I have to send him my full name, address, my telephone number, fax number, age, sex, my occupation, my banking information and my id number. He feels with this information he can make sure my money gets deposited to my account soon. I may need to call my bank and let them know that a larger than normal deposit will be coming my way soon. I am grateful for my lawyer friend who I have never met and lives in another country. He seems to really want to help me. I hope that I can find some time in the next 7 days to gather my information and send it to him.
     I am sure if I sent my information in to this "lawyer" many of you would quickly have some ocean front property in Tennessee to sale me. You would tell me that my picture is in the dictionary under the word gullible. Mostly, you would just laugh at me for believing in something that is no way true or close to true. When we think about it though many people do fall for these things, that is why they keep sending them out. They believe it because they want to believe it. It is easy money with no work. It is a quick fix to all their problems. They are willing to risk the consequences that common sense says will happen for that ultra small chance that it could be true even if that ultra small chance was created in their head.
     What is even sadder than people risking their financial information for a scam that can't be true is people risking their eternal life for ideas that can't be true. They do it for the same reasons. If fits their life style. They want to believe it because it would make them happy. It would make them feel "safe" and it requires very little or nothing of them. It happens every day.
     What is worse is that we Christians are falling for the same false prophets. We let the world tell us what God's word says and we believe it without looking to see what it actually says. We hear people quote a bunch of verses and we assume they know what they are talking about. We here people tell us what the Bible "really" says and we never take the time investigate to see if they have a gift of God or if they are a false prophet. We fall for the same reasons. It is what we want to believe and if fits our life style. It is easier to believe someone else than it is to do the research ourselves. Well, if your willing to do that, then send me your financial information. I will forward it to my lawyer friend and let him know I am authorizing you to receive my $5.5 million.

Parting Thought: Opportunity may only knock once but temptation bangs at your door every day.


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