
Showing posts from May, 2017

Mayday, Mayday, Mayday! The church is going down!

     If you are flying in an airplane the last thing you want to hear your pilot shot on the radio is, "Mayday, Mayday, Mayday!" When the word mayday is repeated 3 times it becomes an international distress signal. It is most commonly used by pilots and ship captains when their plane or boat is going down. Some local fire departments, police stations and rescue squads use it also when they are in distress or immediate danger. So when ever you hear it you know something isn't going right and danger isn't a possibility but a definite.      In 1923, Frederick Stanley Mockford, a senior officer at the Croydon Airport in London, was m'aider which was a shortened version of the phrase venez m'aider meaning "come and "help me." In 1927, the International Radiotelegraph Convention of Washington voted to make Mayday the official term for distress replacing SOS. It has been used every since. asked to come up with a word that would be easily understoo

Real men love thier mommy

     There was a business man who worked many long hours. He worked hard to provide for his family and to make sure they were able to afford many nice things. He didn't have much time for anything beside work. He spent his weekends working around the house to make sure it looked nice. So his weekends were full of grass mowing, mulch scooping, fence painting, flower planting, treehouse building, car washing and many other chores. He didn't mind because his family was provided for and had many nice things.      One day during his lunch break he decided to go to the florist. It was almost Mother's Day and he wanted to wire his mother some flowers. She lived 200 miles away and even though he hadn't seen her in a long time he wanted her to know he was thinking about her. As he pulled into the parking lot of the florist he could seen a young girl sitting on a bench outside the florist crying her eyes out. The man wasn't one to get involved in stranger's lives but

The first thing on my todo list is to make a todo list.

     If you could imagine walking into a closet that has tile walls, floor and ceiling with one of those super bouncy balls that isn't round but has one of those odd shapes that makes it bounce all different ways in your hand. Then you throw the ball as hard as you can against one of the walls and then your try to catch it. That is how my mind works. I never know where it is going and sometimes I don't even know where it was. Focusing on one thing isn't always easy for me. Not only am I easily distracted but  lots of times I don't even need a distraction to get distracted.      To give you an example of how my mind bounces, as I was turning onto Grace Chapel Road this morning off of Falls Avenue I was going over my outline for Sunday in my mind. I saw a power pole on Hurricane Hill Road and that reminded me of last night when our power went off. That was followed by memories of other times our power has gone off. Then I saw the old Grace Chapel Fire Department. My t

Decision Time

     Everyday we are faced with many decisions. What will I have for breakfast? Is this shirt clean enough to wear again? Do I share the bacon with the rest of my family? Most we make without even thinking. Yes, I will brush my teeth. No, I would not like to hear your offer on how I can make millions from my own home. Yes, I would like my combo Bo-sized. Some we spend time debating. I can't remember if I saw this Family Feud or not? I think I remember that suit Steve Harvey is wearing. I don't remember either of those families though. Hmmm, wait, I do remember that question. I have seen this one so let's see what's on Food Network.      One question we are faced with every day is who we will serve. In fact, we make it over and over everyday even though we do not realize it. There is no form for us to fill out showing our decision. We do not have to call a standing by operator. We don't even have to inform anyone of our decision. Our actions take care of that for