Decision Time

     Everyday we are faced with many decisions. What will I have for breakfast? Is this shirt clean enough to wear again? Do I share the bacon with the rest of my family? Most we make without even thinking. Yes, I will brush my teeth. No, I would not like to hear your offer on how I can make millions from my own home. Yes, I would like my combo Bo-sized. Some we spend time debating. I can't remember if I saw this Family Feud or not? I think I remember that suit Steve Harvey is wearing. I don't remember either of those families though. Hmmm, wait, I do remember that question. I have seen this one so let's see what's on Food Network.
     One question we are faced with every day is who we will serve. In fact, we make it over and over everyday even though we do not realize it. There is no form for us to fill out showing our decision. We do not have to call a standing by operator. We don't even have to inform anyone of our decision. Our actions take care of that for us. When we decide to spread the latest gossip at the water cooler we have decided to follow the world. When we throw up that one finger and discuss the up bringing of the driver that just pulled out in front of us, we have decided to follow the world. When we place our Bible on the shelf to set until the next time we go to church, we have decided to follow the world. When we miss church because we over slept due to the fact we stayed up till 2:00 am watching movies we have chosen to serve the world.
     Before you start screaming that I am going overboard remember 1st Commandment? God said we should not have any gods before him. He did not just mean Buddha, Baal, trees and Zeus. He meant we should never put anything before Him so anything that takes away from His time has become our god even if it is a temporary god. After all you can only play golf in the summer.
     So we need to start each day with a conscious decision that we will follow God through out our day. This decision needs to be followed with a prayer asking God to remind us that every decision we make can lead us to follow or not follow Him. We need to ask God to guide us in all our decisions to help us see how even the littlest decision can pull us away from God. So, who you going to serve?

15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Josh 24:15 (KJV)

Parting Thought: Bacon = Another way I know God loves me!


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