Real men love thier mommy

     There was a business man who worked many long hours. He worked hard to provide for his family and to make sure they were able to afford many nice things. He didn't have much time for anything beside work. He spent his weekends working around the house to make sure it looked nice. So his weekends were full of grass mowing, mulch scooping, fence painting, flower planting, treehouse building, car washing and many other chores. He didn't mind because his family was provided for and had many nice things.
     One day during his lunch break he decided to go to the florist. It was almost Mother's Day and he wanted to wire his mother some flowers. She lived 200 miles away and even though he hadn't seen her in a long time he wanted her to know he was thinking about her. As he pulled into the parking lot of the florist he could seen a young girl sitting on a bench outside the florist crying her eyes out. The
man wasn't one to get involved in stranger's lives but this young girl looked so sad it broke his heart. He asked the girl if she was alright. She tried to hold back the tears as she answered him. She told him her mother's favorite flower was a red rose. She wanted to buy her one for Mother's Day but they cost $5.00 each and she only had $3.00. Normally the man would have nodded and kept going but his heart was even more broken now. He told her he would buy a rose for her to give to her mother.
     The florist allowed the girl to pick any red rose she wanted as the man made his purchase of some fresh flowers for his mother to be delivered on Mother's Day. The young girl's eyes light up as the florist handed her the red rose she picked out. Her tears of sadness were changed to tears of joy. The man felt much better too. As they walked out the man noticed there was no car or bicycle outside. He asked the young girl how she got there. She told him she walked because she had no bicycle. As the man thought about the nice bicycles his children had his heart was once again broke. He asked if he could take her to deliver the rose to her mother. Her whole face lit up as she said yes,
     As they drove down the road the young girl told the man where to turn. The man could see the excitement growing in the little girl's face. He could tell she really loved her mother. She talked about how pretty her mother was and told about all the things her mother did for her. The man looked at his watch and knew he would be back to work late but he felt like it was worth the extra few minutes to help this little girl get a rose for her mother. He was looking forward to seeing the mother's face when the littler girl presented her with a rose. He wondered if his mother would have the same joy when the flowers he sent arrived. As he was pondering the joy on his mother's face the young girl pointed to their destination, the cemetery. She led him to a freshly dug grave where she placed the red rose. The man dropped the young girl off at her grandmother's house, went back to the florist, canceled his
order, bought a dozen red roses and drove 200 miles to see his mother,.
     Don't wait until Mother's Day to spend time with your mother. Don't wait till Father's Day to spend time with your Father. Instead take every opportunity you can to spend with them. Call them. Visit them. Message them. Text them. Email them. Pray for them. Love them. Do what ever you can now because it is easier to love a live person than it is a cold tombstone. Happy Mother's Day Mom!

Parting Thought: I love my Mother, she was the first one to fix me bacon.


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