It is time for Friday! Wait what?

     When I first moved to Burke County I was introduced to something that changed my life, Friday Night Football. It was the 1980's and everybody flocked to the football games on Friday to watch East Burke play. Our church would take the church van to several games each year even to a couple away games. It wasn't just the youth that went. All ages would pile in the van and car pool behind the van to the games. The stadium would be filled with people from all over the community. That was the first live football I had ever seen and I was hooked.
     I remember hearing the announcer announce the players as they made tackles or ran the ball. I remember hearing the fans scream in joy when East Burke scored. I can still hear the boos when the referee made bad calls. Everyone once in a while you could hear the cheerleaders and band. But the sound that drew me to the game was the sound of players knocking the snot out of each other. The sound of two helmets hitting gave me cold chills and I wanted to be a part of it. So I began my football "career" with the local recreation league. I played for the Bears. We were good and went undefeated my first year. Football was in my blood then.
     Over the years football was a huge part of my life. When I wasn't practicing I was watching it on TV. Dad help me with drills in the backyard. As I got older and I couldn't wait for my name to be called out on Friday nights. That dream came true and even though I didn't play my senior year I still got to experience my dream. Then came my next dream, watching my son play.
      Four years after graduating from High School I married the most beautiful girl I ever saw. Seven years later we had a child, a girl. As soon as we got her through the diaper stage I was ready to try for a boy. There was a slight problem. I couldn't do that on my own and my beautiful bride didn't want to have any more children. So what about my dream of my child playing under the lights on Friday nights?
     A funny thing happened when my daughter got to High School. She got to play under the lights on Friday Night for South Caldwell. She had her name called too. No, she wasn't playing football. She is a member of the marching band. Now, before she started band if you would of have asked me if East Burke had a marching band when I was in school I would have told you I wasn't sure. As I reflected on it I do remember the hats with the big feather they wore. I don't recall much else about them. I am sure I had friends that marched in it but I just don't remember who. Sorry guys, it has been a while since we were there. I can't even remember all the teachers I had.
     So, am I disappointed that I don't have a son playing football under the lights. I thought I would be. I really did. I really thought the first football game she marched at I would be sad I wasn't watching my son knock the snot out of somebody. It didn't happen that way though. I remember hearing the drums from outside the stadium. My heart started to beat a little faster. I could hear the other band parents say they were coming. I remember watching the band walk in. I tried so hard to find her. I wasn't 100% sure what her instrument looked like and had no idea where in line it would be. I heard my wife, Lisa, scream, "There she is!" I tried to see her but I couldn't. Lisa screamed again and pointed, "There is Abby!" I finally got a glimpse of my beautiful daughter marching. It must have been the jalapenos from the nachos that caused my eyes to get water in them at that moment. I watched my daughter play her baritone and I had no idea what sound it made but it was sweet music to my ears. I couldn't believe how proud I was of her. There was no regret she wasn't a boy wearing number 80 and catching passes. I couldn't of been more happier.
     That is the thing about God and His plans. I had a plan for my life and it included football on Friday nights. God's plan for me did too, just not football. His plan was for me to have a daughter that marched. So I do. The best part is that because I decided to follow God's plan and embrace it I have been blessed. That is how I should look at all of God's plans. You should too. His plans for us are good and are the best for us even if we don't agree with them. Has all His plans been something I liked? Not even close, but I know they are His so I embrace them. Life doesn't always turn out the way we want it to but that isn't an excuse to be sad and mad. Instead, look for what God has done, is doing and will do for you. There is no way I can be sad or disappointed with the blessings God has given me. So let's go band!

Parting Thought: Each day is a day God has given you so look at it as a gift not a Monday.


  1. H-m-m-m? So, it must have been the jalapenos from the nachos that caused your eyes to water at the moment you watched Abby march onto the field playing her baritone, causing sweet music to your ears. Your chest swelled with pride in her as you thought, "I couldn't have been happier." And realizing God's plan had made it work so your dream included football on Friday nights. There was no regret Abby wasn't a boy wearing number 80 and catching passes. "There's Abby!" I finally got a glimpse of my beautiful daughter marching in my dream. (jec, 23Aug17)


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