
Showing posts from September, 2017

One Click Blessings

     Over the past couple of weeks I have received emails, messages in FB Messenger, a text and even seen posts on Facebook saying if I wanted to be blessed by God all I needed to do was share this email/post/message. Some were very specific to what I would be blessed with. Things like money, health, more friends and etc. Some of the posts on Facebook made it hard to get those blessings. You had to type Amen!, like and share the post. Wow, that's a lot of work for a blessing. I have noticed one thing about these one click blessings, none of these emails, posts or messages came from God. You know, the One who would actually do the blessings.     We like that concept though. Click here for your daily blessing! Share this so that God will bless you with money from the sky. Send this to 5 of your friends and you will receive a blessing within an hour. Sounds good don't it? Little to no effort to earn a big blessing. It such a great idea I wonder why God didn't think of it?

What you going to do with your left over water?

      I was in the grocery store this past Saturday and I was very offended by a young lady on her phone. She must of have been talking to a family member about the upcoming hurricane, Irma. She wasn't really concerned about the hurricane. How do I know? She said so, very loudly so that everyone around her could hear. She said, "I am from Florida and I know what kind of hurricanes to worry about and this isn't one of them." After the person on the phone replied she continued her rant, "All I want is some bottled water but the shelves are empty." The person on the other line spoke again to which she replied, "What should I expect from people who buy milk every time it snows. Why do you need milk for snow?" As a full blooded Southern I was insulted. Everybody knows you need milk for snow cream and bread for milk sandwiches when there isn't any snow to make snow cream with. I almost offered to drive her back to Florida but I wanted to get my milk

Late night thoughts that make me hungry

     Most nights I sleep like a baby. You know the joke, I wake up every two hours to go to the bathroom and I come back to bed wide awake for a for an hour or so. I have learned though not to cry. My wife doesn't find it funny to be awaken at 1:00 am by her husband play crying. She used to think it was cute when our daughter did it but I guess her being an infant at the time makes it a little different. Over the years it is during those hours laying awake in the middle of the night/very early morning that I have done some of my most deepest thinking.      Some people count sheep when they can't fall to sleep. I tried that once but I got bored of seeing sheep walking through my mind so I started making them jump and do flips. I imagined their wool to be different colors to the point it looked like they were painted by NASCAR. After a while I figured out counting sheep wasn't for me so I started counting bacon recipes that I have seen. That didn't work either, it just m