One Click Blessings

     Over the past couple of weeks I have received emails, messages in FB Messenger, a text and even seen posts on Facebook saying if I wanted to be blessed by God all I needed to do was share this email/post/message. Some were very specific to what I would be blessed with. Things like money, health, more friends and etc. Some of the posts on Facebook made it hard to get those blessings. You had to type Amen!, like and share the post. Wow, that's a lot of work for a blessing. I have noticed one thing about these one click blessings, none of these emails, posts or messages came from God. You know, the One who would actually do the blessings.
    We like that concept though. Click here for your daily blessing! Share this so that God will bless you with money from the sky. Send this to 5 of your friends and you will receive a blessing within an hour. Sounds good don't it? Little to no effort to earn a big blessing. It such a great idea I wonder why
God didn't think of it? Why didn't He put that one in the 10 Commandments? That would have been more popular than saying we shouldn't lie. That should have been the commandment with a promise instead of something silly like honor your father and mother. Thou shalt click and be blessed. Sure people would have been confused back then since there was no Facebook or internet or computers or electricity. He could of said something like, "Thou shalt share thou scroll for blessings." That would of worked for back then.
     If we really think about it for a minute we can easily see why we like clicking for blessings. It is easy and takes no commitment. We don't have to change our life. It doesn't take up a lot of our time. We don't have to do it everyday. It is convenient. It doesn't cost us anything. We don't have to make plans to do it. We don't have to wait. It is instant. We can control how often we do it. We don't have to do it again if we don't want to do it again.
     Here is the trouble with it. It isn't how God works. The Bible is full of promises from God but none of them offer blessings for nothing. In fact, they say if we do something then God will do something. If we ask in His name then He will give us what we ask. If we confess our sins then He will forgive us. If we do something. We can't go a few weeks without going to work then click that we like our work's Facebook post and expect them to send us our pay check. We have to go to work and work for it. Why do we expect it to be different with God?
     We think everything with God should be that easy. We should be able to pray that God grows His church and then go camp out on a pew to watch it happen. We think we should be able to read along with the preacher as he reads the scripture for his message and become a Bible Scholar. We think we should pray one time for something in a two minute prayer and God grant it. We think God should bless our plans even if they don't include Him. We think because we point out the work that needs to
be done at the church we have done our part and it should magically happen.
     Even if we don't like the truth the truth is still the truth. Even if we think we have come up with a better way, God's way is still God's way. The truth is God called us to work not click. He called us to keep His commandments. He called us to go to all parts of the world. He called us to teach, preach, disciple, and baptize. All of those are active words and take activity to accomplish. If we truly want to be blessed by God we will do what we are called to do and just click like on recipes that have bacon in them. We have something in the church called the 80/20 or the 90/10 rule. That rule states that 80 or 90 percent of the work is done by 20 or 10 percent of the church. The sad part to that rule is the flip side. The flip side is that 80 and 90 percent of the blessings are received by the 20 or 10 percent that does the work. So which will you rather do? Click and not be blessed or work and be blessed?

Parting Thought: Mouse Finger is a real medical condition that is similar to Tennis Elbow so make sure you stretch that finger before getting on social media.


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