What you going to do with your left over water?

      I was in the grocery store this past Saturday and I was very offended by a young lady on her phone. She must of have been talking to a family member about the upcoming hurricane, Irma. She wasn't really concerned about the hurricane. How do I know? She said so, very loudly so that everyone around her could hear. She said, "I am from Florida and I know what kind of hurricanes to worry about and this isn't one of them." After the person on the phone replied she continued her rant, "All I want is some bottled water but the shelves are empty." The person on the other line spoke again to which she replied, "What should I expect from people who buy milk every time it snows. Why do you need milk for snow?" As a full blooded Southern I was insulted. Everybody knows you need milk for snow cream and bread for milk sandwiches when there isn't any snow to make snow cream with. I almost offered to drive her back to Florida but I wanted to get my milk and bread incase is snowed after the hurricane.
     As insulting as she was she had a point. When the weatherman hints there may be snow we all run to the store to get our milk and bread even thought 80% of the time the snow they say may come doesn't come. When the first flake falls we go back to get more because the weatherman may have got it right this time. It isn't just milk and bread we buy. We get chocolate syrup for the snow cream. I personally stock up on bacon. We also stock up on can foods, candles, matches, batteries, flashlights, first aid kits, blankets and everything else they tell us to go get because we may get 2 foot of snow and the power may be off for a month. Even though we know the possibility of that is very slim and we know we still have most of those supplies from the last blizzard threat we still go but more. Why is that?
     Even though must of us have lived here long enough and we have heard thousands of threats but have only see 4 or 5 come true we still purchase those things because we want to be prepared for those 4 or 5 times. We know that it is more than likely the other 996 or 995 times where we get nothing or much less than they predicted but we still want to be prepared. Because there is that slight
chance that this could be the big one we want to be ready for it. We did the same thing with Irma. The weatherman was telling us how she was moving more toward Tennessee so we wouldn't get the blunt of it and we understood that. But as he finished his forecast he told us that Irma could turn or Irma could stay strong, even though he just got done telling us how small of a chance that was, so we better be prepared. So we went to the store and bought water and bread.
     As I looked for water I went to a couple of places. Each place looked similar. There was a lot of empty shelves and what water was there was the brand nobody wanted. You couldn't even find the gallon jugs of water. As I grabbed a pack of the unwanted water I chuckled to myself. We don't drink water, why are we in search of it? There wasn't enough there to bath in or even wash dishes with. There was more than enough to brush our teeth with and to give our dog to drink. What were we going to do with the rest of that water? This morning as I walked out the door I looked at that unopened pack of water and shook my head. The weatherman talked us into buying that because
there was a slight chance I would need it.
     If we listen to a weatherman who spends more time telling us why we didn't get the weather he said we may get than he does telling the weather then why can't we listen to the warnings in the Bible. They are guaranteed. People changed their vacation plans, work plans, school changed activities, families changed their plans, families bought stuff they didn't need and everyone watched the weather more because of a chance a hurricane could change course, get stronger and head our way. Yet, God's Word tell us if we don't change we will face judgement. God's Word tells us that one day Jesus will return. God's Word tells us of the consequences of our sins. God's Word warns us about these things and guarantees they will happen so why don't we take these warning as seriously as we do the weatherman's warning of things that might happen but probably will not? Why will we completely change our life for something that will last a few days if it happens but something that could last an eternity we shrug off. Do we have more faith in the weatherman that we do God? It sure seems that way. We put our faith in the weatherman into action. It is time to do so with our faith in God.

Parting Thought: Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me Fool me 12,394 times and your a weatherman.


  1. So funny, and so true! I'm sorry to say I'm one of those! I don't know why we listen more to the weather man than we do God. Maybe we are spoiled, and we pray for God's mercy and hope He will change His mind. After all He is our Father, and He loves us right?


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