"You get the limo out front; Hottest styles, every shoe, every color." Come on, sing it with me. Everyone who is under the age of 30 knows the song. "Yeah, when you're famous, it can be kinda fun; It's really you, but no one ever discovers." Those of us with kids in high school still remember the song even if we don't remember the lyrics. "In some ways you're just like all your friends; but on stage your a star!" Ok, everybody now. "You get the best of both worlds; Chill it out, take it slow; Then you rock out the show. You get the best of both worlds; Mix it all together; and you know that it's the best of both worlds."  Ok, that is enough. I have officially reach the legal limit of Hannah Montana lyrics I am allowed to quote and keep my man card. No, I didn't type them from memory but yes, I did sing the song in my head as I typed it.
     That is of course the first verse and chorus to the theme song to the Hanna Montana TV show. It appeared on the Disney Channel from 2006 -2011 and stared real life father and daughter Billy Ray
"Achy Breaky Heart" Cyrus and Miley Cyrus. Miley played Hannah Montana which was the pop music star alternate ego of Miley Stewart who was a typical teenager when not on stage. Miley and her best friend Lilly were like a younger Lucy and Ethel and got into all kinds of funny situations as they tried to keep Hannah's identity a secret from everyone else. The reason for the alternate ego was so Miley could have the best of both worlds. She got to be a typical teenager and enjoyed all the things that went with that life but she also got to put on her blonde wig and enjoy all the benefits of being a rock star.
     That was a humorous storyline and the viewers got to laugh at the problems that living a double life caused. There was a spin off movie that really dealt with the struggle Miley had living in the two worlds and what happened when the two worlds crashed into each other. It was obviously a TV show plot because how in the world could somebody live such completely different lives without anyone finding out? She had to deceive her closest friends to keep her secret identity a secret. She had to constantly worry about someone finding out who she truly was. Nobody lives like that. Or do they?
     I mean Christians don't live like that. They are the same person on Sunday morning at church that they are out with their friends or when they are at work or when they are at home. Right? The language they use at church is the same they use everywhere else. The things they say "Amen" to during worship is the same things they hold on to during the week. They wouldn't be embarrassed if someone from the church or the preacher showed up at anytime. All their friends know they go to church and believe the Bible so it wouldn't be awkward if they showed up at church  unannounced and saw them there. Right? Unlike Miley Stewart we have nothing to hide from anyone else. After all if you like bacon on Sunday you like bacon everyday of the week so why would anything else change?
     Let me share a story with you. There was a new preacher in town who enjoyed playing golf. He begin playing at one of the local courses on a regular basis with some church members. The staff at the golf course all knew he was the new preacher in town and he begin to build a relationship with them. One weekend the golf course was having a golf tournament for all the members. The preacher

signed up to play and showed up on the first day of the tournament to find out who he was to play with. The golf pro looked at who the preacher would be playing with and said, "Preacher, I am glad your playing with this guy. He has the dirtiest mouth, drinks to much, is rude, and is a jerk to everybody. Everybody knows he cheats and lies about it. Maybe you can help turn his life around." The preacher smiled and said he would do what he could. The golf pro pointed to a man and said, "There he is Preacher." When the man turned around it was one of the preacher's deacons. Talk about a double life.
    Christians we can't live in both worlds hoping to receive the best of both worlds. Jesus tells us we can't serve two masters. He tells us the world will hate us because we are not of the world we are just in the world. Jesus tells us if we are not for Him we are against Him. We cannot receive the best God has for us until we completely live in His world. So let's get the best of one world, God's. We will find out the best the world has to offer is nothing compared to what God has to offer.

Parting Thought: Sign on Church Nursery: We are a I Corinthians 15:51 nursery,  "Listen! I am telling you a mystery: We will not all fall asleep, but we will all be changed"


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