What is the weather for this hour?

     Do you remember the blizzard of '93? Or that year is snowed three Wednesdays in a row? What about the other year when it rained for almost two weeks straight. Or the tornados that come through our area several months ago? How can we forget the drought that happened, well it happens almost every summer here. Weather, it is a strange thing. It can change in a minute and twice in two minutes. What's the saying that has been going around a lot lately? If you don't like the weather, wait ten minutes and it will change. It seems odd to say but a lot of days, including these past few weeks, it is true. 
     All this changing weather makes life rough. We dress for the wintery mix in the morning but by lunch we are shedding layers because the sun came out and warmed everything up. We start the day off in our short sleeves because it was warm when we went left that morning but by the afternoon we
are grabbing that old sweatshirt out of the back of our car because the wind is making things chilly. It is impossible to plan an outdoor event because it may rain, snow, be freezing cold or have such strong winds that it will blow whatever event you are having away. One day the heat doesn't cut off and the next the air conditioner is needed. I have heard several people say that they could deal with whatever weather we have, if we would just have one kind for a while. 
     I think most people would like it better if we could watch the weatherman and he would tell us that all week long it will be cold. That way we could dress and make plans accordingly. The next week the weatherman would say it would rain this week and we could make plans accordingly. A consistent weather pattern would make most people very happy because they could make the plans they need based on the weather they know it will be. Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. The weatherman gives us his best educated guess based on all of the modern technology he has to use and he still doesn't always get it right. It is as if something controls the weather and keeps changing it, oh wait, that does happen. God controls the weather, not us, not the weatherman and not our plans. 
     Let's be honest though. Are we not asking the weather to be something we are not? Consistent. We change as much as the weather does. Eggs used to be the power food. You were to eat as many as you could and you could eat them raw. Then we found out they contain cholesterol and you could get salmonella poisoning from the raw eggs so we decided not to eat the eggs. Then we found out the white part was ok to eat but not the yellow part. See how consistent we are? Look at fashion. Retro is in and then it is out and then it is in again. So does that mean if we wear the same clothes all the time we will be in fashion half of the time?
     What is even worse is our inconsistency isn't limited to fashion and food. We are inconsistent with God as well. One minute we want to have a little walk with Jesus and the next we are traveling down the highway to hell. One minute we are posting scripture and praising God on Facebook and the next we are posting a status that would make our Grandmaw want to wash our mouth out with soap. On
Sunday we tell people at church how much we love God and enjoy serving Him. The next day at work we are telling our work friends how much of a burden it is to serve at church. We tell our Sunday School class how we want to get closer to God on Sunday Morning and how much we get fed at church but Sunday evening we decide to get fed at a restaurant instead of at church.
     Have you ever wondered what God thinks about inconsistent Christians? Oh, you don't have to wonder, He told us. He said, "15 I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were cold or hot. 16 So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I am going to vomit you out of My mouth. {Rev 3:15-16 (HCSB)}That doesn't sound very pleasant. He didn't just say we made Him sick. He went as far as to say He will vomit us our of His mouth. That doesn't sound like He likes inconsistent Christians. Maybe we should let the inconsistent weather be a reminder of our own inconsistencies.

Parting Thought: Bacon: It is what every food wants to grow up to be.


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