
Showing posts from March, 2015

The Greatest Easter Gift

My mother has always had a creative side to her. Several years ago at Christmas she decided instead of going out and buying gifts for us kids and our spouses she would just give us cash. Now most would spend hours looking for the perfect card to put the money in and write a short sweet note. Not my mother. She spends hours trying to find something she can hide the money in. A couple of years the money was hid in different places in the house. My favorite year was when she gave us a reindeer that when you moved his tail it shot out black gumballs out of well, let's say it shot them out of the south side when it was facing the north. Mom had rolled the money up as small as she could and stuffed it up the south side the north facing reindeer. So we had to stick our fingers in the south side and pull out the money all the while my dad was making comments about how when we were little we thought he could do that anytime we wanted money. My mother cried from laughing so hard at us. She h

I am a Dance Dad and I am proud of it, just don't tell my friends.

     When my daughter was 2 my wife's friend invited our daughter to "Bring a friend to dance class" at Debbie Huffman's Dace Academy. My wife was over joyed and our daughter loved it. So Lisa talked to Mrs. Debbie and arranged for Abby to begin dance class. They were so excited they could  not wait to buy Abby's shoes and leotard so she could get started. I on the other hand was concerned. How was this going to interfere with T-Ball? I finally comforted myself thinking this dance stuff would be good for her footwork and maybe hand-eye coordination. So for the next few years we balanced the two activities. Many times we would take our ball player straight from dance class to the field. We moved from T-Ball to Coach Pitch softball and I was getting more excited. Her last year in Coach Pitch she went on a streak toward the end of the season where she was hitting the ball super hard. She even almost took my head off during one game, but I didn't mind. Everythi

I was given the traffic finger on a Sunday!

So yesterday afternoon I was driving back to church and I come to an intersection where I needed to make a right turn on to Highway 321. There was a small white car already at the intersection and I could tell from the back of their head it was somebody's grandmother. It became obvious she wanted no part of turning right on red so we waited for the light to change. Behind me was another small car with two young ladies that looked like they could be somebody's grandkids. They obviously had somewhere important to get to in a hurry because they soon begin blowing their horn and making hand motions to indicate they wanted me to go. I assumed they could not see the small car in front of me so I just ignored them. The grandmother in front of me however was not in an ignoring mood and she could not see the car behind me so she thought it was me who was blowing the horn. So she starts shaking her fist at me. Now I am laughing because I have two teen girls behind me who have begun to sc

Where's the beef?

Mike, Mike, Mike, Do you know what day it is? Even with out me giving the answer to the question everyone reading this answered the question in their mind. I bet some of you did it in a camel's voice too. Advertising companies make lots of money to get their catchphrases stuck into your mind. One of the memories I still can not erase is from 1984. It is of Clara Peller asking her famous question, "Where's the beef?" It is not just advertisements that get stuck in our heads. Every time someone yells stop, I think it is "hammer time" Would it not be great if Bible verses were in our head like that? That is how God wants it. He wants His words to always be on our minds, on our lips and in our hearts. 4  “Listen, Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. 5  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. 6  These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. 7  Repeat them to your children. T