Children, they take time so enjoy it while it lasts.

     The last couple days have been very good for me. Parents with teenagers or who have had teenagers will understand where I am coming from too. I got to "hang out" with my daughter yesterday and today she laid on my bed as we played a game together on our phones. We laughed and talked about silly things. It was a good time. It was a great time. One that I wish would happen more often but I know will happen less and less. So when ever the opportunity arises I will take it. No matter how tired I am or how busy I am I want to take time to make sure she knows dad is always available for her.
     Where in the world would I get the crazy idea of trying to make sure I am available to her even when I am busy or when I am tired? My parents of course. I remember when Dad was busy for a few afternoons and we had not gotten to see each other a lot he would wait on the school bus with me. We
would pass football or baseball. This wasn't just when I was in elementary school. I rode the bus all the way through 9th grade and even then if we hadn't got to see each other much we would be passing
ball at 7:00 in the morning. My mom was just as available. One time sticks out to me a lot and I bet she doesn't even remember it because it was just her normal routine. I was either in kindergarten or not yet in school because we still lived in the green house in Pumpkin Center. I was bored because there was nobody my age in the neighborhood. I had been that way for a few days. Mom was trying to cook super and I wanted to play. Somewhere out of the blue Mom comes up with the idea that we were fireman. I had a plastic firefighter hat on that I gotten from a fireman at a store and Mom used her dishtowel as a hose as we put out a fire in the kitchen. Then I had to pick up my toys so the other firemen could get through the house. I had to do some other small tasks that would "help" the firemen and  I knew she was using a game to get me to do some chores but I didn't care. Mom was making time for me.
     In 1974, Harry Chapin came out with a song, "Cat's in the Cradle" (I like Ugly Kid Joe version better that came out in 1992) and it was a father talking about how he was to busy to spend time with his little boy. The little boy told or better yet warned the father that he wanted grow up to be just like him someday. Then in the end when the father wanted to spend some time with his grown son he found out his son had grown up just like him because he didn't have time for him. That song is sad and what is sadder is the song is just as true today in 2017 as it was in 1974 and in 1992. Too many parents are to busy to pass football, to play fireman or to lay in the bed in the bed playing a game on a phone. Then someday when the parent finally slows down and wants to spend time with their grown children they find their grown children have not time for them.
     I get it. Life is busy. Many times it is because of our children we are busy. My daughter has danced since age 2 and this year added marching band. Those activities require her to be shuttled to a
lot of places and together takes up many weekends. Because of my daughter I was president of an
elementary PTA and a middle school PTO for at least 30 years. We try to make sure she gets to all the church activities she is involved in and to as many of those social events she thinks she can't miss as possible. I am much more a fan of the church activities than the social events. Keeping up with her calendar of activities is a full time job that my wife handles very well. My job is to taxi her and pick up all her needed supplies when instructed to do so. When you add all that together plus a full time ministry, my wife working full time, a house to keep, family activities, and as I get older there seems to be more doctor appointments it equals to very busy schedule. Who cares? If Abby wants to "hang out" and cook something with bacon we will get to cooking.
     My reason for always being available for her is not so I can be her best friend. She knows she has a friend in me. (Sorry, inside joke for her.) My reason for always being available is so when she has a problem she knows I am not to busy to help. My least favorite problems to help with is boys but I am still available. She never likes my solutions but she has taken my advice from time to time. Parents, if you are too busy for fun then your children will think your to busy for troubles because they take even more time to work through. If your children
don't turn to you for help where will they turn? The world? How is that going to work out? As uncomfortable as it is sometimes to help her work through her problems it is makes me feel so much better knowing I am able to give her biblical advice. It breaks my heart at times when she is hurting and all I can do is give advice. But knowing she is getting the life tools she needs to deal with situations from me and my wife instead of social media or other people with unpure agendas helps put my heart back together.
     Teaching our children is what we are instructed to do by God in Deuteronomy. We are to teach them as sit we at home, when we walk along, when we get up and when it is time to lie down at night. We are to teach them what God's word says and how to use it. We are to teach them not only
with our words but with our actions, attitudes and behaviors. How can we do this with out giving them time?
     Parents I am not saying you have to put your life on hold for 18 years but I am saying there is nothing wrong with putting it on the back burner from time to time. After all, I am writing my blog on Saturday afternoon because my daughter wanted to grab a bacon cheeseburger at Al's and go shooting yesterday. This morning she wanted to play a game and talk. Tomorrow night when I am tired and ready for bed she will be wide awake and excited to talk about her dance competition. I will listen because I know the best gift I can give her is my time. How do I know? It was the best gift my parents gave me and my sister.

Parting Thought: I want my daughter to be successful so she can buy all the things I could never afford. That way when I move in with her I will have them too.


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