I got a coupon for a haircut. What do I do with that?

Thank you Fantastic Sams for sending me a coupon for a $2.00 off any adult haircut. I am sure you are a great place to get a haircut. I see you have two locations in Hickory which are not to far from me. I am sure your stylist are well trained and have experience but I will not be using your coupon. I am bald. Even if I tried to let my hair grow I am sure I will not have enough for you to cut
by the time your coupon expires in 3 weeks. I know you offer other services.  I don't know what a eyebrow wax service is but if your sending a coupon for $5.00 off I am sure it is more than I am going to pay to find out. I am not interested in getting what hair I do have colored. I just cannot see that turning out well. I do have a question for you though. From your disclaimer I see that long and thick hair may cost more. Why? I can understand thick hair because that would require more cutting. Long hair on the other hand doesn't unless you are cutting it a little at a time instead of whacking it off all at once. I know I have been out of the haircutting circle for a long time, around 20 years, but I do remember seeing a guy get his pony tail cut off. It took the barber one cut and took only seconds. I can remember the last time I went to a barber. I sat for two hours listening to old men talk about all the world's problems. When I got into the chair the barber never touched a pair of scissors. He took his trimers on a quick tour of my head that lasted less than 5 minutes and then wanted $8.00. I went to Walmart and found trimmers for less than $20.00 and decided my barber days were over.
    The world loves to offer me things I don't need. It isn't just haircuts. What in the world do I need with skinny jeans. I am going to be honest. If I can't fit into skinny jeans does that mean the jeans I can fit into is the fat jeans? That is kind of offensive. Where is the ACLU on that? Then there is that giraffe cam that keeps popping up in my newsfeed. Really? The last time I saw it there was 235 people watching a giraffe standing around. I am sure if  wanted to watch a giraffe have a baby I could go to YouTube or National Geographic or Animal Planet instead of spending hours a day waiting on this one. I hope on April 1 the giraffe is wearing a sign that says, "April Fools". I was at one of those cooking stores where you can buy all kinds of pots, pans, knifes, kitchen gadgets and etc. There was a timer for brushing my teeth. This timer wasn't aimed at kids. It was a decorative timer that with the push of a button played an instrumental version of the " Happy Birthday" song. I have been brushing my teeth for 45 years. If I didn't know how to do it by now I wouldn't have any teeth left to brush while listening to this annoying timer play the "Happy Birthday" song.
     The world offers me things it thinks I need and tries to convince me of it. If you listen to commercials on TV the world says I need alcohol to have a good time. I got the joy of the Lord in  my heart. I can have a good time watching paint dry. The world says I need to dress a certain way to be accepted. I have found the ones that truly love me don't care what I wear or where the clothes come from. Most of them don't even care if they are clean. My wife doesn't fall in that category. The world says I need to join this gym or take these pills to get the body that they assume I want. I understand my body is a temple and my temple has slowly become a megachurch. We have three services a day, usually some Bible study in between too. We break bacon on a regular basis during fellowship. (I have mentioned that to the people at LifeWay. I think if the communion bread tasted like bacon more people would want to be Baptist.) Even though the world doesn't know me it thinks it knows what I need better than I know what I need. It doesn't. There is only one person that can truthfully make that claim.
     Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:8 that God knows our needs before we ask.for them. God is the only one that knows what I need better than I do. He is the only one that knows what I truly need. The world doesn't care if I want it or if I need it as longs as I will pay for it. God knows what my true needs are and He makes sure I have them. I need salvation a lot more than I need the newest smart phone. I need grace more than I need a luxury car. I need forgiveness more than I need a trip to Vegas. I need strength, courage and direction more than I need to see the latest movie, eat at a trendy restaurant or to attend the next biggest sporting event. I don't need anything this world offers but I do need everything God offers. When will we as Christians find our happiness and worth in what God has for us and not in what the world wants to sale us? God freely gives us what we need. I don't need a $2.00 off coupon. Now which sounds like a better deal?

Parting Thought: You need to accomplish something every day. Every day I beat my own previous record of consecutive days I've stayed alive.


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