I have to admit I have been torn these past few days. I have been a New York Mets fan since my childhood. I used to love Darryl Strawberry, Keith Hernandez and Doc Gooden but my favorite player was Gary Carter. So I am trilled that they are in the National League Championship Series. On the other hand, one of my favorite movie series is Back To The Future.
If you have seen any television lately you know that today is the day our hero Marty McFly traveled to from 1985. People for years people have wondered if the things they saw in the movie would be around when 2015 arrived. Well, for the most part those things have not got here. We don't have the flying cars or hoover boards as good as Marty's was. We do have a chance to see one of the "predictions" come true though and that is the Cubs winning the World Series.
     They are battling my Mets in the National League Championship Series but are one game away from being eliminated. So what do I do? Do I pull for my Mets to advance to the World Series? Or, do I pull for the Cubs because it would be so cool for them to win in 2015 just like the movie showed. So I am torn.
     The funny thing about the future is that it is open to your imagination. Things that people never imagined before become reality everyday. How many people traveling horse back across the unsettled United States wished they could fly like a bird to get where they were going faster? Now they can. How many people believed visiting the moon was only in movies and would never really happen? What about cars that hit the brakes to avoid an accident before the driver does? I am still trying to wrap my mind around that one. The future is wide open as far as what may and will happen. There are only a few guarantees in the future.
     People say that the only guarantees in life is death and taxes. That is some what true. As long as they are governments they will be taxes. People will continue to die until Jesus comes back so that is kind of true. I think there are some other things that will always be around too. Stinkbugs, cockroaches and ants for instance. You can't get rid of those things. You can spray, stomp and burn down your hose and they will still be crawling around. Then there is sin. It has been here since Adam and Eve (or should I say Eve and then Adam? Maybe I will save that for later). Sin shows no sign of leaving anytime soon. The opposite seems to be happening. As sin becomes more popular not sinning becomes less popular. Instead of those who sin openly being the outcast as in the past now the outcast are those who don't. We know all people sin because the scriptures tell us that but now the world tells us because everyone is doing it sinning is alright. We have replaced conviction with justification. Our mind says, "If I can justify my sin then it is no longer a sin." That isn't scriptural. The world tells us that if society accepts it then it can't be a sin. That isn't scriptural either.
     In the past we swept sin under an imaginary rug and prayed that it would go away. It didn't. Just like the stinkbug you carefully lead out the door hoping it will fly away and never return but it does. We are now paying the price for those sins we swept under the rug. Instead of standing up against them we have waited for the "big freeze" to come and kill the stinky sin bug but it hasn't come. Just like the stink bug invites all its friends to your house sin invites all its friends too. So where do we turn? Where can we turn tomorrow when things are worse? We can turn to God.
     We loose the battle against sin when we fight it alone. We were never intended to fight sin alone. We were intended to rely on God. That is why when Jesus was in the wilderness He gave us the example of using scripture to battle Satan's temptation. That was an example we could follow. He had the power to do more, but we couldn't follow that example. Learning and quoting scripture we can follow, if we are willing. We are to make God's word a lamp to guide our path but when we do not prepare our hearts with scripture it is like trying to use a flashlight with dead batteries to light our path through the woods. It will not be long until we fall. Sin and temptation will continue to be a large part of our world. Until we as Christians make God's word a large part of our life we will continue to fall. Marty McFly had a time machine that he could use to go back in time or into the future to fix things. We do not but we have something better, I Corinthians 10:13. Look it up, learn it and use it.

Parting Thought: Marriage is like a workshop...the husband works and the wife shops.


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