It is almost time for you know who to come.

     This morning as I was looking over the church calendar I couldn't help to notice that Christmas was sneaking up on us like a lioness sneaks up on her prey just before she pounces on it. It will not be long until we will be like the small weak wildebeest with no way to get out of the Christmas lioness' razor sharp teeth. In a few weeks we will be driving down the road and notice that the inflatable army made up of inflatable trees, Santas, boxes, polar bears, cartoon characters and snowmen will have arrived. We will not be able to go into any store to buy anything without seeing the signs for Christmas sales. After all every wife wants tires from her husband for Christmas. Every radio station will assume all their listeners will want to hear Christmas tunes so it will take over their playlists. Frosty, Rudolph, Santa, the Elf on the Shelf and Charlie Brown will make their appearances on TV. Every other commercial will be a toy commercial and all of the children on cue will shout, "I want that!" Then there are those bell ringers and since when did Home Alone become the official movie of Christmas?
     I do not mean to sound anti-Christmas. There is a misconception at my house that I do not like Christmas. Just because I always pull for the Grinch and Mr. Scrooge not to change doesn't mean I don't like Christmas.

I enjoy putting up our Christmas tree. I don't understand why we need three. Ok, I do admit I do not like Christmas music. I like the Christmas Hymns but I really wish Frosty would melt for good and for one year I wish Grandma wouldn't get run over by a reindeer. And it really burns me up when people in the music industry sing about everything but God all year long then they think because they sing Away In A Manager I am supposed to go and buy their Christmas album. Not going to happen. I like Christmas plays but not Christmas movies, especially the ones on Lifetime and the Hallmark Channel. I hate the stress of making your Christmas list. Do I get this person something or not? Did they get me something last year? How much do I spend on this person? Who is this person and why are they on my list? I do not understand how throwing a strand of lights on a tree makes it so special that I have to sit in traffic for hours to look at it year after year. It doesn't look like I am building a very good case for me not being anti-Christmas. Let's see, I do enjoy seeing the excitement of children on Christmas morning, especially my girls (I included my wife there because Christmas is her favorite time of the year). I like the way Christmas brings a focus on Jesus. It is getting less and less each year though. Happy Holidays, bah humbug, it's Merry CHRISTmas.
     I guess that is the root of my trouble with Christmas. Everybody puts so much time, effort, money and energy to get ready for a bearded fat man wearing an ugly red suit FYI: He isn't as big of a fan of cookies and milk. He would rather have wings and Code Red Mountain Dew or at least that is what I always told Abby. There are Santa tracking apps to find where he is. All of the "Christmas" stuff is supposed to lead up to his arrival. Parents spend a lot of time explaining to their children why they don't want Santa to find them awake. He is the guest of 1000's of parades every Saturday from Thanksgiving to Christmas. People tell their children to write to Santa and tell him what they want for Christmas. Have you seen the cost to get your picture taken with Santa at the mall? Santa can afford to get Mrs. Clause something nice.
     So my question is why do we not put the same time, energy, money, and effort into telling others about the coming of Jesus? I don't just mean at Christmas but all year long. We know when Santa comes because it is the same time each year but we have no clue when Jesus is coming. If we forget to put the wings out for Santa or if we don't have time to get a new stocking to hang it will be ok. If we are not ready for the coming of Jesus it will be eternally tragic. Instead of Christmas cards shouldn't we be sending out "Get ready for Jesus" cards? If we taught our children to be ready for Jesus and to live a life patterned after Jesus then they would never be on the naughty list but more importantly they would be on the list written in the Book of Life.
     So am I anti-Christmas? No. Am I more concerned about the coming of Jesus instead of the coming of Santa, YES! Am I hoping my wife and daughter buys me an iPad for Christmas? Yes, but I am more excited knowing my wife and daughter are ready for the return of Jesus. So Merry GetreadyforJesus and Have a Happy Itcouldbethisyear.

Parting Thought: The word "bed" actually looks like a bed.


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